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Do mods overwrite other mods?


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I already looked at that, and the part i'm most concerned about, "How is Vortex deployment different to Mod Organizer's VFS?" wasn't very clear to me.


In Vortex plugins are sorted in accordance with LOOT and user designed rules. To change plugin load order, you simply change the rules. You don't have to uninstall and reinstall mods in some special order. Vortex doesn't care in what order you install your mods, because that is not what sets up your load order. Rather, you use the Sort function in Vortex to order your plugins, once the mods are installed.

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As far as .esp files go, sure, but i'm worried about mods with same name meshes and textures. If Mod A and Mod B have files of the same name, does Vortex overwrite Mod A's files with those of Mod B?


Vortex doesn't automatically overwrite anything in the case of overlapping files. It does only what you tell it to do. You're the one who makes those decisions, not Vortex. Once again, please consult the Knowledge Base for details.

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On the mod screen you set the install order. If you set Mod B to load before Mod A, the hard links are adjusted accordingly, like for textures and meshes.

The Plugin screen sets the order for esp's and esm's. This is primarily set by Loot, but you have the ability to set load groups. Dynamic Patch group loads last.

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