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Follower Mod Addiction...


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I've made four following mods, all dogs, except one that had other creatures too (which I'm remaking). I'm working on another follower (A very simplified one to balance out the large file I just put out, since I foundout packages can be controlled via script I can make them much more quick/efficient :turned: ).


I'm thinking of just making a single file on the nexus "UserName_CreatureCompanions", and then put all the files on that page, I can't feel in anyway that what I've been doing is fair to other creature follower modders. :(


So the next file...will be a foundation and then I'll release all other followers as separate add-ons. :wacko:


Look at the creature follower page, it's me the first four files....soon to be 5. I need an intervention... :ohdear:


Do you think this would work? Putting multiple-mods under one file name on the site? :ohdear:

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Honestly it makes no real difference. There are plenty of modders who upload a separate file for each of 25 different companions. With the thousands and thousands of mods on this site already it's not like another dozen will bring the system to its knees. (resisting arrow joke, resisting... must... resist...) So do whatever you're comfortable with.


If it were me, I'd release all the dog companions as one mod upload with all the choices in it, and another separate for the one that includes other creatures.

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For the people who are always fighting to stay below the number of mods limit consider offering a single esp that includes all of for example the different dog companions, as well as offering each dog as a separate esp for those who only want one or two.
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