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Looking for character builds.


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An unmodded character build eh? And not something standard... that's a tough order to fill.


Heavy Armor, Enchanter, Illusion, Destruction.


Get up to 150 health then go 1:2, health, mana


pick up the perks that increases fire damage. use heavy defense + destruction skills, dual cast illusions / incineration for your bread n butter.

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My thing, lately, has been self-imposed "dead is dead," with random character creation. I haven't found a randomizer that I like the look of yet, though, so I start new game, then leave the room while my wife makes whatever kind of crazy character, and sets up whatever kind of crazy alternate start, she can think of. Then I come back in and play the hand I'm dealt.

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I've been trying out what I call a "polymath" build in my latest playthrough My character uses a combination of heavy and light armor (heavy hands, feet, head, light torso) and specializes in those classes, one-handed weapons and conjuration, since I dual-wield bound weapons. Interesting so far, since the game doesn't really expect you to play that way.

Edited by CHIPSK8
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It's hard to recommend a build without knowing your preferences... Usually, when i'm looking for ideas I take a look over Tamriel Vault or some other forum to cook up some ideas before making my own.

Right now i'm playing a Witchdoctor / Shadow-hunter... Vol'jin style... having a blast. Before that it was a Redguard Red Priest / Priest of Arkay with focus on Block. Really fun too.

Just take a look...

Things like the Revenant, The Manticore... some ideas will popup...

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