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Sharks and whales? (More)


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So I have worked out how to make and implement a bunch of slow moving reef floor type of Conches, Urchins, SeaSlugs, Tube Worms, and StarFish.


I still am no closer to a working Whale, but some of the new monster mods have impressive sea monsters, which I suppose could be used as a stand in for the Whale.


Sharks I've got in plenty.



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I think its important to note that the whales that used to live in Skyrim were not ocean-bound creatures...


"... Snow whales have been in Skyrim since [the return of Man], living at the tops of the highest mountains, singing in magic tones, jumping from peak to cloud and back again, spreading their joy-snow in horn-like triumph from blowholes. ..."


from "Fight Three, The Snow Whale and The Dirtbird"


(While many aspects of the story are written in the form of a fable, such as talking animals, it does bring evidence to support the theory that Skyrim's "whales" flew through the skies, instead of swimming in the oceans.)

Edited by Dudeman325
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