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fStaminaRegenDelayMax not working properly


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My actor's stamina is supposed to be able to go below zero, after this, there is supposed to be a 5 second delay before it starts to regen. This is due to fStaminaRegenDelayMax = 5 in the game settings, see this article's section on "Negative Stamina".

If I do 2H power attacks to deplete my stamina below 0, there is a 5 second delay before the stamina starts regenerating above 0

If I do 1H power attacks, there is a 3 second delay.

If I mash SPACE while Jumping Uses Stamina is active, there is no delay before stamina starts regenerating after hitting zero. This mod's script uses

function OnControlDown(String control)

  if control == "Jump" && !jumping
      Jumping = true

to damage stamina by either a percentage or fixed integer.

If I am using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13797'>Cardio SE, which uses spell effects to drain stamina according to inventory weight, there is no delay before stamina starts regenerating after hitting zero.

It doesn't look like my stamina ever goes below 0, but sometimes there is a delay and sometimes not. Can anyone explain what exactly is happening?

I would like it to be that, when my stamina hits 0, there would ALWAYS be a 5 second delay before it starts regenerating. If anyone knows what it would take to make it work like that, please, let me know!

Thank you for your time and interest.

Edited by DarkEra99
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I think you may be misunderstanding how fStaminaRegenDelayMax works. It is the maximum possible time to wait before forcing a negative stamina value to zero.


No matter how much stamina a player has or how much stamina may have been used, this value only kicks in if the amount negative cannot be regenerated normally to zero.



Assume the following:
fStaminaRegenDelayMax = 5
Stamina regen rate = 10

Stamina is used. Stamina at -100. Stamina regens for 5 seconds to -50. Stamina forced to 0
Stamina is used. Stamina at -70. Stamina regens for 5 seconds to -20. Stamina forced to 0
Stamina is used. Stamina at -50. Stamina regens for 5 seconds to 0. No need to force stamina to 0
Stamina is used. Stamina at -20. Stamina regens for 2 seconds to 0. No need to force stamina to 0

This is the reason you are seeing different behavior with different sources of stamina loss. Stamina is either not dropping far enough below 0 or the stamina loss was scripted to never go below zero.



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So if I'm using Cardio SE, and it drains my Stamina to 0, how can I force fStaminaRegenDelayMax to kick in? There must be some way to use spell effects to trigger negative Stamina and allow fStaminaRegenDelayMax to kick in. I want to cause a scenario where the mod punishes users who don't pace themselves and conserve Stamina, the same way that over-using 2H power attacks does. I would like to make Jumping Uses Stamina cause the same thing to happen, and TK Dodge.


I tried doing this in Cardio SE with a magic effect attached to a spell to damage Stamina when Stamina < 1 while running or swimming or sprinting but it didn't seem to work in-game; Stamina just starts regenerating instantly after slowing to a walk or standing still.


When I do the 2H power attacks and hit negative Stamina, the bar's outline will flash green. I don't know exactly what causes that to happen... but it's exactly what I want to happen in all cases of Stamina hitting < 1.

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