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Beast races claws ideas ( on both feet and hands )


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Hello,I hope somebody will read this sometime . So ideas for beast races claws on both feet and hands .

So ,on feet,somebody could just grab the bear foot mesh , and retexture it and/or resize it then replace the beast races feet.If you haven't observed,the bear's feet looks kinda alike for the form with the humanoid foot,and if you do so you can skip alll that from scrap mesh thing,and just modify the texture a bit,but it'd be nice if someone could pay attention not to remove the paw pads .So this one would do the job and be quite simple to make.

Another one could be that the dragon foot would be molded into a tad humanoid shape . (that'd be for argonians ) And the sabrecat's for khajiit .


As for the hands,the werewolfs/hagravens hands could be resized a bit then replace the current hands.

If one wants to be original,then kinda remake the mesh part of the tip of fingers to thicker,sharper/more pointed and more evident claws.And,if one has nothing better to do,options for 5 , 4 fingered hands would be awesome too , and plus a 3 fingered for the lizardfolk .


So these are the ideas.Hope someone reads them.

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There are som mods that work on the feet:

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16976 gives both beast-races clawed feet

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19283 gives Argonians raptor-like feet

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6041 is going to give both beast-races completely unigque looks, moire like the ones from morrowing


not sure if there's anything for the hands

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