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So yea... My request would be for armor from an anime witchblade.


Here are some screens to show it off:






Edited by anonimas12
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hmmm... i could actually consider doing a witchblade armor, BUT and as you can see this is a big but,

this is not saying that i actually will do it but i, definately considering it, and here comes the BUT again,

but it will be based on the original witchblade from topcow comics and not this (sorry to say it) crappy anime version,

and this is for two reasons. The first being that the original simply looks SO much cooler than this one,

and the second is that the original will fit som much better into the game (almost daedric looking as is) rather than the

futuristic purple leather thing you posted here...


but again this is only a maybe, since im working on another rather extensive mod already, but since it will probably be some

time before im done with that one it could be fun to simply make an armor mod that could actually have a chance of being finished

some day and released to the public, just this once :P

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