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Master E


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Has anyone ever determined the source or identity of the individual known as "Master E"? He shows up in messages taken from the bit corpse of opportunistic assassins. Just took one off a nicely equipped Argonian who apparently decided to try and make "Master E" happy by taking my bit scalp. Good loot off the Argonian so don't necessarily mind. Am curious about "Master E" though.

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It's apparently added by populated lands roads paths mod. So if you got that installed then it surely is that, I'm confident it is added my a mod though.


Edit: After taking a look in TES5Edit I can tell that it is indeed that mod that added those contracts.

Edited by morogoth35
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Understood. Have confirmation from other sites as well. That particular modder's no longer active on the Nexus so we can't query as to why he/she did that. Wonder if there's any kind of culminating event or series of events related to Master E? Time will tell I suppose. So far doesn't seem to be having an untoward effect, just making the game a bit more lively and that's to the good at this point.

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