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Vortex Profile Management


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Hi Augusta, Thanks for responding to jimb111 re multiple profiles. Is it possible to get a bit more detail on the pros and cons or tips and tricks of multiple profiles?

My system slows to a crawl when Im updating mods and have multiple profiles installed.


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My system slows to a crawl when Im updating mods and have multiple profiles installed.



Could you please provide more detail about the events surrounding sluggish computer performance? This would help in trying to determine if multiple profiles have an effect on your computer's performance.


Based on my own experience and what I know about how Vortex works, I would be reluctant to attribute the sluggish performance to multiple profiles. The most profiles I've used in a game are four (Fallout 4). The profiles are all built on a core mod pool of about 200 mods. Each profile uses a different number and combination of the mods drawn from this pool. I'm able to move quickly from one profile to another. Furthermore, I have not experienced any sluggishness when updating a mod. When updating, I am of course updating only one mod and not a mod for each profile.


As for tips and tricks in using multiple profiles, I would recommend that each profile have its on save games and its own settings. This keeps each profile totally separate and prevents one profile from somehow "bleeding into" another.

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