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Modding Battletech


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Having played BT Tabletop back in the 90s and having a lot of the early source books i do enjoy playing BT game, but i also mod games to make them more interesting and fun.


Modding BT is a joke, some of the mods do not have installation files, or just completely f*#@ the game up.


I have lost count of the number of times i have had to download BT and it is getting to be a joke, but i am not laughing, i am fuming. :wallbash:


If anyone else has found this, i pray for your sanaty.



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I haven't had any problems with modtek or btml yet. Any issues I've had are always with the mods themselves. Unfortunately not all mods are created to be run thru that system. A lot of them require copying files directly into the StreamingAssets/data directory. And I have had no luck at all with mods that overwrite the VersionManifest.csv file. Because of the issues I've had I stay with modtek mods. Here is the best installation guide if you haven't already seen it : https://github.com/BattletechModders/ModTek/wiki/The-Drop-Dead-Simple-Guide-to-Installing-BTML-&-ModTek-&-ModTek-mods
I also stay away from Roguetech. While I am sure it is a great piece of work .. there are way too many issues with it and if you criticize it in anyway you get called a whiner and locked before any discussion can be made on your post.

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