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I have a question about the games in general

Warring Paranoia

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I checked that place and it only had boots in it. You can get the daedric greaves from the dren plantation but I am not willing to kill that guy for them in fear that it may mess up the game later on.


Now there may be daedric greaves in the other nearby dwemer ruins, but I don't think it is run by vampires.


But I will probably just start all over again when I get the goty version because I get the feeling I might miss out on something nice. My character isnt to far along so it wont be a big deal on me.

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If you have the Xbox version the GOTY edition is a must. From what I've heard it fixes a lot of the bugs in the original Xbox version and of course you get all of the game improvements that come along with the expansions. The severe downside to the Xbox version of the game in general is that you don't have access to mods, which enhance the game superbly if you know which ones to download.


My advice is to go out and buy the GOTY edition. I have the PC version on my not so high end computer which is really frustrating but it is too good of a game not to have.

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ONe thing about artifact greeves is that some do exist. There is a highly enchanted dadric curias and greeves that you get if you are telvani. Both pieces have feather of 50 CE and is better than any other enchantment for the greeves. Normally the greeves can oly hold 7 enchant points and feather of 50 take more than 100 making them the best greeves especially since i think that they weigh negative weight duee to feather. They are great with the armor at such low weight.

Even though they do not have any special name i concider them to be artiffact in the fact that they have enchantments beond any that you could ever do.



For enchanting there is not really any new way. You can make CE effect items in the normal game but there are new spells which allow you to enchant new abilites. In the expantions you can find skill fortification spell rather than only artribute fortification. These new spells that only exist in the expantions can be enchented to new abilities on custom weapons that you could not get otherwise.



There are no greeves in there. The ruin happens to be the headquarters of the berne clan of the vampires. You are sent there on multiple quests. IN the temple and as a part of the telvani. There are no daedric greeves in the ruin but there happens to be daedric boos.

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Yeah I knew about the cuirass and greaves you can get from the telvani ... but I have no plans on getting into the telvani at all ... and armor weight is not a problem for me.


It is said that you should probably go with either heavy or light armor because medium is just in the middle and not worth it except for the ebony mail ofcourse. Heavy provides the strongest protection and makes you like a walking tank (especially with ebony and daedric), while light is good for quick moveing and carrying away loot.


Personally my characters are always your large shield and longsword or claymore weilding people, clad in the heaviest and thickest armors. Its not a problem and I always have atleast a couple hundred to three hundred pounds of loot space. Hell I don't even know any spells ... but I seriously doubt you would find many characters with heavier armor and longswords than my own at such a low level.

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Try having over 700/1055 pounds of free space. HAving less weight is very helpfull and one of the reasons that i do not like heavy armors even though i have more than enough space. The less weight you have the faster you can run and higher you can jump. It is nice not to be weighted down too much and the free space allows me to jump clear up a building which is very usefull to get out of mharms way or to sneak around. I love jumping up a 2 story building.
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A bit OT, but HOLY CRAP! How high is your athletics/acrobatics to be able to jump up a two story building.







I am a level 2 Fargoth Wannabe. Fear me, for obvious reasons.




^^Not really, but just for fun.^^

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My athletics and acrobatics are both at 100 and i also have a ring that has a constant jump of 8 points on it. With all of that i am able to jump quite high and on to the roof of a 2 story building :D . I believe that you also need a hight strength along with a low encumberence inorder to jump as high as i can. My strength is at 211.


Also if you want to jump really really high try using a spell that does 100 jump for 5 seconds which is enough for one jump. With it you go crazy high or crazy far depending on wether or not you are going forward.

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Buying the GOTY edition was a mistake. The older version was much more reliable. This one cant even go ten minutes without crashing. But i'll go ahead and blame that on my xbox. Its an old xbox and it is haveing trouble keeping up with the higher quality games these days. I'll try to buy a new one before I pass any real judgement on the game.

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There are some problems with reliability in the GOTY edition but it is understandable seeing as how vast the game is. The game is giant and the game must load many objects in each area. There is much that is added in the new version and i think that it is worth it


Try saving often so that if it messes up you can easily load back



There is a problem with the origonal x-boxes. The older ones do not run as well as the newer ones do. A brand new old one and new one will not run the same. The older x-boxes were not made as well as the newer ones and do not run very well and tend to have problems all the time

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