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Character appearance issue


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I previously had the UNP mod installed, and I believe I downloaded some textures and instaleld them manually, and placed them into Data/textures/character_assests/female/ and i went back to remove the mod and uninstalled it, but I deleted the female hand,feed, and torso textures and then installed CBBE which adds it's own textures as well I believe. Then this problem came up


I re-installed Skyrim, verified the game cache on Steam, but this is still persistent. Any ideas on what to do? This appears on some Imperial men as well, and almost every human race for females except elves, imperials, and the downloadable temptress race. I've also checked meshes and I do believe I've trashed the old files. What new files should I download?

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This is just a thought, but is it possible the problem is not with what is missing but what you have kept? That is, could it be (for example) whatever mod you are using for the clothes, maybe conflicting with whatever you are using now for the body type? Or something similar?
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