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Question about Vortex


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Hi there,


I actually ready about Vortex and it sounds very intersting to me. I love TES Oblivion and played it several times with mods, there are great mods out there. Now - after years - i would like to play it again but there are that many mod loaders and mods and i remember conflicts and load orders and crashes.

Now i'm not used all that anymore and fear all that trouble to get mods running again, so is Vortex the solution for me, what are your experiences ?



Another question about a Oblivion-mod: i used Francescos creature and item mod, is it still the best(if it ever was) in terms of interesting items and amount of items and monsters ?


Would be kind to help me further.

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Hi there,


I actually ready about Vortex and it sounds very intersting to me. I love TES Oblivion and played it several times with mods, there are great mods out there. Now - after years - i would like to play it again but there are that many mod loaders and mods and i remember conflicts and load orders and crashes.

Now i'm not used all that anymore and fear all that trouble to get mods running again, so is Vortex the solution for me, what are your experiences ?



Another question about a Oblivion-mod: i used Francescos creature and item mod, is it still the best(if it ever was) in terms of interesting items and amount of items and monsters ?


Would be kind to help me further.


If you want to learn how to use Vortex and are willing to test it out and learn using Oblivion, then go ahead. Vortex is very good at handling load order issues and file conflicts. But be warned, you may have trouble installing a number of Oblivion mods. Vortex at present appears not to be able to handle OMOD's and possibly BAIN installers. (Someone out there in Vortex land please correct me if I'm wrong.) Furthermore, many older Oblivion mods are not packaged properly for mod managers. There are workarounds for all of those issues. However, I'm guessing you just want to play Oblivion without all that muss and fuss.


If you simply want to get Oblivion up and running without having to deal with a new mod manager, then don't use Vortex. Use a mod manger that you're already familiar with. I myself still use OBMM to manage Oblivion. All my other games (Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and SkyrimSE) I manage with Vortex.

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OBMM i used earlier also, tbh i never understood that there are several different modloaders, i thought they all programs that help and that all are needed;)


I guess if i want to use Vortex with other games(do they add other games to the list of supported games ?) i should use Vortex for Oblivion too.

Main thing is that Vortex is as good and stable as OBMM, since its one of the oldest, most often used and most reliable loaders i guess.

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OBMM i used earlier also, tbh i never understood that there are several different modloaders, i thought they all programs that help and that all are needed;)


I guess if i want to use Vortex with other games(do they add other games to the list of supported games ?) i should use Vortex for Oblivion too.

Main thing is that Vortex is as good and stable as OBMM, since its one of the oldest, most often used and most reliable loaders i guess.


There are a number of good mod managers available for Bethesda games: Wrye Bash in its various iterations, OBMM (for Oblivion), FOMM, Mod Organizer, Mod Organizer 2, Nexus Mod Manager, and several others. Vortex is the new kid on the block. It's capable of managing all the Bethesda games plus a number of non-Bethesda games.


As I've said earlier, if your real interest is to quickly set up and play Oblivion, then use a mod manager you already know, such as OBMM. Otherwise, if you have a serious interest in learning Vortex and don't mind a lot of starts and stops, then you might want to use Oblivion as your game guinea pig.

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Thanks for the infos, i try out Vortex then. I remember Wrye Bash, i have the steam version of GOTY-Oblivion, should i use WB then too or should i try it out only with Vortex, to see if its enough ?


If you need to create a bashed patch, then you'll need Wrye Bash. There are certain Oblivion mods that require a bashed patch in order to work together. You may also run across BAIN packaged mods that Vortex cannot install. Also Wrye Bash has a neat little tool that eliminates save bloat in Oblivion. So, yes, I think you would want to use it as an ancillary tool to Vortex.

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Update: actually i really try to install Wrye Bash, and after 15 minutes i even found out what to download and where to find it. So i downloaded the 307.20 -wrye bash installer but when i start it i get the following:




(insert picture did not work for me)


As you see i have no field to check or enter something, i found that out on youtube that there must be something like that. So is it normal or what did i miss ?

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I installed Vortex now and went to the game finder, found oblivion and now it tells me that mods cannot be deployed with the currecnt settings and it ttells something with symlink development and move deployment and another message is saying that an error occured while activating profile.

I found out that it has something to do with the install directory, vortext tells me that i have to choose another directory for a mod staging folder whatever that is.

Well do i have to be intelligent for this vortex to work ? I fiddled around so much now but this error message wont go away. OBMM was so nice, i just dorpped the mods into the oblivion folder, why oh why is t his now as it is? I understand nothing what does vortex want from me ? Why cant it just put the mods into the oblivion file and all is good ?

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Edit: I got Vortex to run, did it into the same drive then Oblivion..and then i tried to install Wrye brash again, and suddenly it worked also, so the main problem was that Vortex was von my C-Drive and Oblivion on my Game-Drive(F).


Now trying to get all the patches, wish me luck ;)

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