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HI there!


(sorry for my english first..)


I can run fast! I can jump high! BUT, the hero cant run THEN jump?!? strange thing! so somebody can do this? :'( I know it will not be easy because the mod will consider "speed" and the fact that we will jump further if we run .. BUT I want to run and jump everywhere :s


second thing, I HATE the third person posture of the hero when I have a sword in right hand and magic in left.. he seems.. all twisted .. hunchback .. strange position.. this is always disturb me.. I found one mod how change it but there's a lot of problem with sneak posture..


third thing, I HATE the position of the camera when I have weapon in hand.. the camera must be in same position when we have or not the weapon, and not over the head.. but like we dont have weapon.. I found some mod to fix this the BIG problem, it's with BOW! the camera must change position when we got bow or we dont see anything.. WORST, the mod works but the arrow dont shoot where I have my viewfinder..


thats it! I sure nobody understand what I said, but I really LOVE this game and I really want those mod :s


EDIT: for the 3d person camera, I see this on a mod






BUT, can we change the camera position if RANGED attack or MELEE? because, if I change setting in the skyrim.ini, I cant use bow.. too difficult.. I need a tips to rechange as normal the camera setting when I use a ranged weapon.. any idea?

Edited by ikolloki
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