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"Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich."

"Terrorismus ist der Krieg der Armen und der Krieg ist der Terrorismus der Reichen."

Short translation of the original.

"Der Terrorismus, der im furchtbaren 11. September kulminierte, ist ein Krieg der Armen gegen die Reichen. Der Krieg ist ein Terrorismus der Reichen gegen die Armen."

The original version for those interested.

Achtung! Vorurteile (2003)

Sir Peter Ustinov

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"Our civilization, bequeathed to us by fierce adventurers, eaters of meat and hunters, is so full of hurry and combat, so busy about many things which perhaps are of no importance, that it cannot but see something feeble in a civilization which smiles as it refuses to make the battlefield the test of excellence."

James Joyce

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The meaning of life is to question the meaning of life.


The world does not belong to us,we are simply borrowing it from our children.


I'll happily give my life for my country,not that i want to die. The day death knocks on my door,me and Mr. Reaper are going to have words.

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"Quod enim est ius civile? Quod neque inflecti gratia neque perfringi potentia neque adulterari pecunia possit; quod si non modo oppressum sed etiam desertum aut neglegentius adservatum erit, nihil est quod quisquam sese habere certum aut a patre accepturum aut relicturum liberis arbitretur. "


"For, indeed, what is the civil law? A thing which can neither be bent by influence, nor broken down by power, nor adulterated by corruption; which, if it be, I will not say overwhelmed, but even neglected or carelessly upheld, there will then be no ground for any one feeling sure either that he possesses anything, or that he shall leave anything to his children."

Pro Caecina 73


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I've studied, alas, philosophy,

Law and medicine, recto and verso

And how I regret it, theology also

Oh, God, how hard I've slaved away,

With what result? Poor fool that I am,

I'm no whit wiser than when I began!

I've got a Master of Arts degree

On top of that a P.h.D.,

For ten long years, around and about,

Upstairs, downstairs, in and out,

I've led my students by the nose

To what conclusion? That nobody knows,

Or can ever know, the tiniest crumb!

Which is why I feel completely undone.


Of course I'm cleverer than these stuffed shirts,

These Doctors, Masters, Jurists, Priests

I'm not bothered by a doubt or a scruple

I'm not afraid of Hell or the Devil — But the consequence is, my mirth's all gone;

No longer can I fool myself

I'm able to teach men

How to be better, love true worth;

I've got no money or property,

Worldly honors or celebrity

A dog wouldn't put up with this life!

Which is why I've turned to magic

Seeking to know, by ways occult,

From ghostly mouths, many a secret;

So I no longer need to sweat

Painfully explaining what

I don't know anything about;

So I may penetrate the power

That holds the universe together,

Behold the source whence all proceeds

And deal no more in words, words, words.


O full moon, melancholy-bright,

Friend I've watched for, many a night

Till your quiet-shining face

Appeared above my high-piled desk —

If this were only the last time

You looked down on my pain!

If only I might stray at will

Beneath your light, high on the hill

Haunt with spirits upland hollows,

Fade with you in dim-light meadows

And soul no longer gasping in

The stink of learning's midnight lamp,

Bathe in your dews till well again!

Scene I / Part I

Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy


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Happiness and misery are in the heart and soul of everyone. If you feel misery, rise above it, and act so that your happiness does not depend on any event.


-Catherine the Great



One of the many reasons that Catherine is one of my favorite historical women. :)

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