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naked lydia at home


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its simple but seems impossible to fix


my dear housecarl lydia is naked at home

I gave her a new armor set

tried many mods but it wouldn't bother

any help please


i don't mind she being naked when she goes to bath but id rather not have that especialy underaged people can see my screen when they walk by

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Sounds strange.. She doesn't equip the armor/clothes you give her?


I can tell somewhat more


she tends to wear her default armor when off duty


as far as i know i have given her a steel armor set

but she just takes it off and seems to have no default armor trough she could use that as default

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list your mods. I recall that problem being the case with modes not being loaded in the right order. Its been a long time since i played around with housecarl mods. You could just use the NPC editor and make her default clothes anything you want, or the Amazing follower Tweek. I think that one also allows you to determine what they wear, but in game on the fly. I just adore those 2 mods. Edited by Brandy_123
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list your mods. I recall that problem being the case with modes not being loaded in the right order. Its been a long time since i played around with housecarl mods. You could just use the NPC editor and make her default clothes anything you want, or the Amazing follower Tweek. I think that one also allows you to determine what they wear, but in game on the fly. I just adore those 2 mods.

i don't have any follower affecting mods

i do have UFO but its deactivated atm


thanks il try to npc editor or amazing follower tweak to make her a new set of default armor but id like a more simple solution trough

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LOL hector530 me neithere :thumbsup: If I ask Lydia to wait at home but don't dismess her, she will remain in the armor I gave her (I removed her default armor). If I dismiss her, I will find her later back in the house buck naked. She still has the armor I gave her, so I just enter dialouge and put it back on her. Never worried about it enough to care with finding a fix. Maybe she just like to be comfortable :dance:
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