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Best Headset?


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Sorry if this is the wrong forum, figured it should go here if i'm wrong please tell me and i'll keep it in mind for future posts.



Recently my headset stopped working, figured i'd stop getting headphones/keyboards from Razer ( i love my DeathAdder though, no problems with it). So i am looking for a new headset (headset, not headphones, please know the difference :) ) so far i have liked the looks of (in order)






which do people on here recommend and why? (sorry for 'lengthy' stuff, i just don't like cheaping out on stuff or it breaking after 3 months of use)

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I currently have these and I'm very satisfied with them: http://www.speedlink.com/?p=2&cat=183&pid=21583&paus=1

Excellent sound quality, bass slider, amazing quality retractable mic (People are telling me they're hearing me crystal clear). Only negative things about it is that it isn't extremely fancy and it's got a tight grip on your ears and after some time they start hurting a bit.


Can't comment on anything else since this is my first "real" gaming headset. I had cheap casual headsets before.

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