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Sick of Random CTDs. What the hell is wrong with my game!


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My game crashes at random all the freaking time. Makes me wish sometimes that I bought something else instead.


It crashes in random areas at its leisure, areas that I haven't modded at all! Nor do they contain modded items or NPCs or anything.



Someone tell me, please, what the hell is wrong with my game.


I also randomly get areas that are completely messed up, like my Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary thread earlier. I've now noted that it isn't just DB. But any area at random will suddenly decide to shat itself and contain the same problem, that is that areas are missing until you walk into them then they appear and the previous area disappears.



Why is Skyrim so unstable? Why can't it just freeze for even a minute or two instead of CRASHING the hell down like a samurai that just lost a tug of war match and now decides it needs to kill itself in shame. Its like the damn thing doesn't even try. There is no warning. No nothing. No slow crash either. Its just suddenly gone from game to staring at my desktop.

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Same problem here, CTD when I enter different cells, some of them works if I fast travel. I have tried to reinstalled the game several times updated drivers and so on. First I had like 300 hours played in the game when the CTD started, that´s why I think it has something to do with the patches. I read in some forum people thinks it´s connected with the size of the saves, but I´ve started severals new games and it crashes as soon as I get close to whiterun-county. So I can´t get my shouts even started. Of course my games now has a lot of mods, but even when I didn´t, i crashed anyways. Every mod I got has what it is suppose to need to work.


I have a Intel i7, win 7, 8 gb RAM, SSD-disc and a radeon gt 440.

Edited by tanken_69
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Someone tell me, please, what the hell is wrong with my game?


Congratulation on your purchase of another fine Bethesda product!


Bethesda is not good at optimization and at living within its means. It always builds games that require computers of the future. Computers that the average gamer does not have yet. Perhaps even computers that nobody has yet. This was the case with Morrowind, with Oblivion, and with Skyrim. Oblivion used a very lag-prone game-engine, but had less CTDs than Skyrim. Skyrim uses the Fallout game engine and has a much faster and smoother framerate than Oblivion if a powerful enough computer is used. Unfortunately the game engine is very unstable and things like quests, scripting, and mods don't work so well. In this department, Oblivion was superior.


So to enjoy playing Skyrim, you may need to buy the most powerful computer you can afford, maintain it well, shut down unnecessary background processes while playing, carefully limit your mod usage to things that don't cause lag and CTDs, and turn your graphics settings down so low that your game is a little ugly and doesn't look like the screenshots people post.

Edited by David Brasher
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Someone tell me, please, what the hell is wrong with my game?


Congratulation on your purchase of another fine Bethesda product!


Bethesda is not good at optimization and at living within its means. It always builds games that require computers of the future. Computers that the average gamer does not have yet. Perhaps even computers that nobody has yet. This was the case with Morrowind, with Oblivion, and with Skyrim. Oblivion used a very lag-prone game-engine, but had less CTDs than Skyrim. Skyrim uses the Fallout game engine and has a much faster and smoother framerate than Oblivion if a powerful enough computer is used. Unfortunately the game engine is very unstable and things like quests, scripting, and mods don't work so well. In this department, Oblivion was superior.


So to enjoy playing Skyrim, you may need to buy the most powerful computer you can afford, maintain it well, shut down unnecessary background processes while playing, carefully limit your mod usage to things that don't cause lag and CTDs, and turn your graphics settings down so low that your game is a little ugly and doesn't look like the screenshots people post.



Hah. The screenshots. I feel like I'm looking at some fashion magazine when I look at them, in that no matter what you do your never going to look like that without plastic surgery and photoshop. IN the screenshots case though, its a thousand dollar well-optimized computer and the perfect graphics mod that doesn't s*** on your frame rate/memory too much.



The save thing reminds me of a trick I heard somewhere. I think it was to load a different save and play for a while before loading the game you actually want to play. Wonder if that works.

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It is pretty sad, but many of the screenshots are taken from unplayable games. There are so many cool mods installed and the settings are turned so high that the lag and stuttering make it unsuitable for actually playing. These people actually set things up for the purpose of taking screenshots and do not intend to play Skyrim while those mods and settings are active. The lag and stuttering can be so bad that it can be hard for them to get the actor into position to push the button and take the screenshot. Aiming the camera can be hard because the screen jerks from view to view rather than smoothly panning or strafing. I imagine they take screen shots in god mode, because if they were attacked by a mudcrab while the game was so unresponsive, then they would get killed.
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Hi guys,


Speaking of screenshots, doesn't this look more like a familiar sight? ;)




Yep, CTDs here too and I honestly cannot blame any mod for them... they happen completely randomly, trying to enter a house, a mine or just passing by on the road... Since I'm over 300 hours in game, it would be heart breaking for me to have to start a new game. So I'm trying to clear my quest log, see if that can help a bit (that simple strategy worked faily well on PS3)... But cells also fail to load properly and that becomes quite a challenge too...


I don't know that this CTDs have anything to do with patch 1.6, I did not have that many hours in game when it was released. But I honestly don't see how any of the mods I'm using would cause this... I stay away from graphic mods and script mods, just some armors, crafting mods, neat weapons, a couple of houses, and a couple more that enhance AI, nothing heavy, nothing that cannot be manually uninstalled and I monitor my data files and the size of my saves very closely... Sigh...


I'm following this thread though, in case someone comes up with a trick that I haven't tried yet... Cheers to all from Paris!

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Here is a link to my mods troubleshooting blog. .



Currently still under construction - any suggestions will be appreciated. As the site is only open by invitation, please make your suggestions by PM (Private Message) at the Nexus.

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Here is a link to my mods troubleshooting blog. .



Currently still under construction - any suggestions will be appreciated. As the site is only open by invitation, please make your suggestions by PM (Private Message) at the Nexus.



Whilst its an admirable thing to want to help others and solve the problems and issues surrounding Skyrim...i dont feel that creating a separate blog and offering basically the same solutions/ideas already shared here is going to be very productive or achieve much...why visit your blog when we are all here under one roof already?


Like they say if your not part of the solution then your just another part of the problem..or in your case just creating more of the same!...your blog just condenses the ideas and possible solutions already circulating here ...why not just open a new thread here and post all that info thats on your blogsite in a new thread instead of creating yet another blog on the subject?.....keep it at the Nexus forums...not another 'joe blog' blog site...just my honest opinion.

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Well, I do not quite agree with you Coltsr2. I've been digging through these threads for a little while now, and while I absolutely appreciate that so many people here are willing to help, a lot of them (including me, I guess) give advices as it comes to their minds and not necessarily out of an extensive experience of the various issues we're dealing with.


Also, it takes quite a lot of time to follow these various threads, and once the community looses interest - or someone launches a new thread on an old subject because he did not take the time to read older topics, valuable info get lost deep in the forum - and it only encourages people to create new topids that have been dealt with a 100 times before!.. It's endless.


So, yes, I do appreciate that bben46 created a blog, which I visited, that lists in a logical order these many issues for us to check out. Plus the fact that he is a moderator, and has been for so long a member of Nexus gives me a pretty good idea that his tips are worth being trusted. Some threads had the same purpose in mind in the forum, but again, they got lost deep under "how can I get rid of Lydia's hunting bow?" types of topics, or questions that are already answered in their mods description pages if they had done a bit of reading, often started by people who are new to the game or the Nexus. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they mean well, but they inadvertedly participate to cluttering the Forum. A blog that nobody can clutter seems to me like a logical complement to the incredibly vast amount of info circulating in the Forum.


Many, many solutions to nearly every one of our issues is already on the Nexus - but the counterpart of this richness is you really need to dig deep (and that takes time) to find what your are looking for.


Can't please everyone... But actually, yes you can. And one of the ways to do it is to create alternate solutions like bben46 did. And I'm very grateful to him for the time he must have put into this.


Sorry for the "strange" English, man, not my native language. Cheers to all from Paris :)

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