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Adding a custom weapon with backpack?


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Okay, I give up, does anyone know how you create a weapon model so a backpack appears when equipped like the gatling laser or flamer? My nif is setup as close as I could possibly get in nifskope to the existing weapons with backpacks, with the extra data on the backpack ninode pointing to bip01 spine02 (or whatever it is, don't have the file on this computer). Do I have to load the biped skeleton and weight the mesh to that bone or something? The weapon itself displays fine, but no sign of the backpack mesh. This is in blender BTW. Edited by OmniMondez
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Thanks, but unfortunately I'd already ensured that was checked and I even tried changing the weapon model to the flamer (leaving everything else the same) and I get the backpack then. I've even tried importing the skeleton and making sure that the backpack was parented to it and its weights assigned to the correct bone, but still no joy. I really don't get what else I can try, does anyone know of any examples of new weapons being added that includes a backpack in the same way the flamer does just so I know it can actually be done?
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