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Mirelurk Hatchling Pet for Settlements


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So I have problems, I'm in love with the mirelurks in Fallout 4, and I've kind of turned the castle into a mirelurk haven. I have access to all sorts of mirelurks thanks to some amazing modders, but I would love to have a lil resource or something that I can put down that will summon some mirelurk hatchlings and eggs, sort of like how The Sailor's Tale from Wasteland Venturers Sim Settlements Addon Pack summon's a little cat. Thank you for reading. ^_^

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Wasteland Workshop DLC I think has cages for all the various vanillia creatures, I think you can capture mirelurks with one. Maybe that will help, the hard part is the whole passive I'm your friend thing.

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Ahh sorry I guess i misread the title lol. You can use AFT to change the companions into different races, but only dog is a non-human option.


Well here's all I found relating to mirelurks:


Grandma Mirelurk - closest I could seem to locate for a companion. Also looks hillarious.

Mirelurk Merchant - To be honest i have no idea what this guy is talking about in the description. So let me know what the hell this mod does lol.

Playable Mirelurks - You can play a queen, hunter or king. Guy was supposed to add spawn but dunno if he ever did.

Guppy Grenade - Adds two grenades to the game, one makes opponents fall and the other summons a swarm of hatchlings (be careful they attack everything).


Sorry nothing you requested, but maybe the Grandma Lurk will hold you over?

Edited by Undeadbob666
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No problem, at least I found my next companion mod if I start playing F04 again lol. Also if a NPC is not hostile he can be made into a companion with AFT, so its a matter of maybe turning off AI (TAI I think in the command console) and going up to a hatchling maybe? Sorry just thought of this.

Edited by Undeadbob666
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