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Mixing combat mods


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I'm loving SkyRe, but I didn't care for it's combat changes. I remembered Duel and Deadly Combat being much better. I disabled the Combat ESP of SkyRe and put Duel in instead. But now it's giving me a strange problem. People won't flinch. That was the entire point of why I loved it so much! If I had a longer sword then them, I could hang back and try to clip them, then follow up, and the same could happen to me. It made the fights slower and much more dynamic and made me fear getting ganged up on.


I'm disabling Duel and trying Deadly Combat instead, but in case it doesn't work, or I find I'd prefer Duel, does anyone know why the staggering/flinching has stopped, even with the SkyRe Combat ESP disabled?

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I really need some help on this guys :/ it seems like all the rules for Duel apply to only my enemies and not me. Being hit by melee or spells causes me to stagger, where as enemies don't react to my attacks. It's made the entire game a pain.
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  • 2 months later...

I use SkyRe; it's something like my 5th playthough and I wanted something really different. I agree with you in that I'm not totally in love with the combat, but I have not tried to replace it. The only mods I have used in contradiction to the mods requirements have been a couple of armor mods and "weightless ingredients." I have been able to do that by posting them below all of the SkyRe mods in the loading order. However, I have not always been entirely successful; I've tried a couple that crashed or acted strangely. Generally I am really enjoying SkyRe and so the things that I don't adore I find worth it in the balance, mostly.


Unless someone comes by with the answer you are hoping for, my suggestion would be: backup our game, so if need be you can go back to it. Uninstall the SkyreCombat mod, make a clean save and then try the combat mod you prefer lower in the load order than any of the SkyRe modules. Cross your fingers. If it doesn't work, play around with the load order. (maybe Boss will give you the ideal location.) If it gets hopeless, revert to your backup.


And if it does work, post back, because I agree you are probably not the only one!

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I moved Duel past all the Skyre stuff and so far, it appears to work fine... testing it a few minutes. Two handers cause staggers and knockdowns, but one handers seemed odd. I dunno, been a while since I used it, don't remember how smaller weapons worked. Haven't tried sprays/projectile spells just yet, but things seem to be working well enough :)


Thanks for the help. I'm not good at mods... I just install and run Boss, minute problems I have no concept of.

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