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A small modification that could add more "Depth"


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Hey guys! As a lot of you (Including me) know, the companion's quest line goes by pretty fast. My main issue is you join and do one quest and then automatically they want you to get a fragment of Wuuthrad and join the circle. What about the other members that may have been here for years and haven't been inducted? I feel the companion's questline has a bad rep for being too fast, this mod would try and fix that.


The Solution


Simply add more radiant quests to be completed before each major stage can be started. For example, when you first join the companions make the player do 3-5 *radiant quests* (ask the companion leaders for work quest) before the quest starts to talk to Skjor to go to dustman's cairn. Typically you only do one before they want you to prove your worth which seemed a bit odd yeah? Adding a couple radiant quests in between every major quest would make the companions last so much longer!


Thanks for your consideration :)

Edited by hyralux
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