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Very short view distance--LOD way to quick!


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I recently decided to try Fallout 3 again, but after I finally got everything squared away, the in-game view distance is incredibly stunted. I have a good amount of mods active, but I'm pretty sure the problem was here before I got most of them installed. Here's a pic of it:









(forgive jpeg--default image from game was bmp).


It doesn't seem as bad at first, but as you look towards megaton and around there, the detail on the graphics just gets destroyed, and many objects aren't even rendered until I'm within a short distance of them, making things pop in and distract me. While on the ground, the problem is worse, as the world in front of me suddenly jumps into a lack of detail. I've notched all the view distance items to max in the launcher, but it doesn't seem to help any. The immersion is pretty sucky at this point :( Any tips for getting this LOD-like blurriness to be rendered at an actual distance, rather than within ten-seconds of walking distance?

Edited by Celice
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