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Strange Staff Bug...


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This seemed a little odd for me, because it's present in every save, was present before I used mods, and in every patch... I assumed everyone had it.

It's kinda difficult to word, so this is what happens:


-I have a staff equipped in the character's right hand.

-The staff spell is a "fire and forget" as opposed to "concentration".

-I have a spell equipped in the character's left hand.


During and while the spell for the staff is "charged", the visual effect for the spell in my character's left hand floats up and leaves the screen. If I start casting that spell it instantly returns. And if the spell and staff are swapped around, then this doesn't occur.


Obviously, it's not a huge issue, but one day it really got to me, so I went on the nexus assuming to find a mod that fixed the problem, though nothing showed up. So I checked the uesp page for staffs to understand the bug... nothing mentioned, nothing on the talk page either. Same on the wikia. A quick search here and in other forums brings up no similar results.

At this point I was/am baffled. I am not used to experiencing unique bugs (especially ones that are prevalent in every playthrough of skyrim). I am hoping I am completely blind and the solution is somewhere obvious, but I'm pretty certain that it's not.


It's not a gamebreaking issue. Up until recently, I never really used staffs either.

But now I feel utterly compelled to resolve it. Could this be a problem from when I initially downloaded Skyrim? What would be the "fix" for that?


*quick prayer that the answer isn't "moron! that's the most talked about bug IN THE ENTIRE GAME"*

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