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Undo "Destroy the dark brotherhood"


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Hi guys!


I've searched google thoroughly, but I could not find an mod that restores the dark brotherhood quest-line. Many people are asking for it all over the internet. Thing is, if you did the "Destroy the dark brotherhood" quest early on, and later on you discover it was a very cool quest line, you're well..... screwed. Loading hours of gameplay back is not an option anymore.


Hopefully someone can make a mod that allows you to reset the questline. Resetquest in console does not work.


If you want to keep it real, you can also act like the db was recreated, new characters, same voices/missions to keep it simple and same sanctuary.


Thanks in advance for even considering this and 1000000000000000000 kisses for the one creating this. (That's a lot of kisses)


Kind regards,



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Well, I finally managed to do it by console. Still a mod would be nice.





setstage db02a 10


After this, go to the abandoned shack. Somewhere north. It's on your map. Go inside. Find Astrid. Open console. Click Astrid. Type "resurrect" without the quotes.


Go to the dark brotherhood sanctuary. Find every body and resurrect then also. Talk to Nazir.


Congrats, you just re-initiated the dark brotherhood questline after "Destroy the dark brotherhood"

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I was wondering the opposite. I am about half way through the quests with the dark brotherhood and now i want to kill astrid. Is there a way to reset it entirly back to the shack using the console?


Not to get all spoilery but… it's slightly possible you'll get your chance if you just keep playing.

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