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Fresh installation of f3 with lots of mods, anything wrong?


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Hi, im about to start playing fallout 3 and this time its been heavily modified, the game starts fine and runs good to the birthday party, havent played any longer than that since its 04:49am ;)


But i have an eerie feeling i may have done something wrong, i quickly looked through the pip-boy and found i could configure weather in 2 places.


Pip-boy / Items / Aid / F enchanced weather settings

Pip-boy / Items / Apparel / E project reality mk1


Im way to tired to think straight but any experenced modders/users out there got any recommendation on what ill do about this?


Also wonder if someone could take a peek on the boss log incase there is anything needing correction?


Regards and Good night




Copyright 2009-2012 BOSS Development Team

License: GNU General Public License v3.0


v2.0.1 (6 April 2012)









Your masterlist is already at the latest revision (r4713; Jul 11, 2012). No update necessary.

Recognised plugins:


Warning messages:


Unrecognised plugins:


Error messages:


Ghosted plugins:


Total number of messages:


Total number of plugins:




Plugins sorted by user rules are counted as recognised plugins.



Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins





FOSE Version:




Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins





Fallout3.esm Active


Anchorage.esm Active


ThePitt.esm Active


StreetLights.esm Active

* Note: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated.



BrokenSteel.esm Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIPackages, Relev}}



PointLookout.esm Active


Zeta.esm Active


aHUD.esm Active


CRAFT.esm Active


CALIBR.esm Active


Project Beauty.esm Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, Hair, Eyes, Voice-M, Voice-F, Body-M, Body-F, R.Teeth, R.Mouth}}



Megaton Expansion Project V03.esm Active

* Requires: CALIBR.esm



ArefuExpandedByAzar.esm Active


CubeExperimental (EN).esm Active


Project Genesis.esm Active


RatTrapRemastered.esm Active


Mothership Crew.esm Active


Alton, IL.esm Active


FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.Stats, Deflst, Delev, Invent, Names, Relations, Relev, Stats}}

* Note: Suggested to remove the names tag if using MMM

* Requires: CRAFT.esm

* Requires: CALIBR.esm



Mart's Mutant Mod.esm Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Invent, Names, Relations, Scripts}}



Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm Active


DCInteriors_ComboEdition.ESM Active

* Incompatible with: DCInteriors components.



DCInteriors_SideQuests.esm Active


DarNifiedUIF3.esp Active


Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}}



Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge, Deactivate}}



MaxLevelWorkaround-BS.esp Active


Agatha Radio Enhanced.esp Active


ArefuExpandedByAzar-Radio.esp Active


Enclave Radio Enhanced.esp Active


GNR Enhanced.esp Active


RadioTenpenny.esp Active


PointRadio.esp Active


CONELRAD 640-1240.esp Active


Existence2.0.esp Active


Dree Perks.esp Active


Dree Perks Anchorage.esp Active


Dree Perks Pitts.esp Active


Dree Perks Broken Steel.esp Active


Dree Perks Point Lookout.esp Active


Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp Active


Dree Perks Requested by Fans .esp Active


AQFH.esp Active

* Requires: BrokenSteel.esm



AQFH_C_103.esp Active


MegatonContracts.esp Active


NotSoFast.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Scripts}}



RatTrapEyeCandy.esp Active


RatTrapRadio.esp Active


RatTrapSound.esp Active


DriveableMotorCycle.esp Active


DCInteriors_DLC_Collectables.esp Active


Ghoul Mansion v3.1.esp Active


GreenWorld.esp Active


UndergroundHideout.esp Active


FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.Stats, Deflst, Delev, Destructible, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Scripts, Stats}}



FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Deflst}}



FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp Active


FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp Active


FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Relev, Delev}}



FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp Active


FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.Stats}}

* Incompatible with: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp



FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Realtime.esp Active


FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp


WeaponModKits.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Actors.AIData, Delev, Invent, Names, Relev}}



WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Deflst, Relev, Names}}



WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp Active

* Requires: Anchorage.ESM



WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp Active

* Requires: ThePitt.ESM



WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp Active

* Requires: BrokenSteel.ESM



WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp Active

* Requires: PointLookout.ESM



WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp Active

* Requires: Zeta.ESM



MPammo.esp Active


Reykjavik.esp Active




Mart's Mutant Mod.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

* Requires: Mart's Mutant Mod.esm



Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Scripts}}

* Requires: Anchorage.ESM



Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Relev, Scripts}}

* Requires: ThePitt.ESM



Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Relev, Scripts}}

* Requires: BrokenSteel.ESM



Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Relev, Scripts}}

* Requires: PointLookout.ESM



Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Scripts}}

* Requires: Zeta.ESM



Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

* Note: Included in FWE - Not Required



Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Actors.Stats, Factions, Relations}}

* Note: Included in FWE - Not Required



Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Relations}}

* Note: Included in FWE - Not Required



Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}}



Mutant perks for MMM 1.9.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Invent, Relations, Scripts}}

* Requires: ThePitt.esm

* Requires: BrokenSteel.esm

* Requires: FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm



Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: NPC.Race, NpcFaces, NoMerge}}



CombatEnhanced-Package v02.esp Active




Slower Levelling - slower.esp Active




Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp Active


Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp Active


Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp Active


Fellout-Full.esp Active

* Incompatible with: Fellout-SOTD.esp

* Note: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated.




* Requires: Anchorage.esm

* Note: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated.




* Requires: BrokenSteel.esm

* Note: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated.



Fellout-PointLookout.esp Active

* Requires: PointLookout.esm

* Note: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated.



Fellout-Zeta.esp Active

* Note: Do not use with latest FOOK2, it is already integrated.



F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp Active


Error Fixes V1.5 - Higher FPS.esp Active

* Note: Choose only one of Error Fixes V1.5.esp or Error Fixes V1.5 - Higher FPS.esp, not both.



Error Fixes V1.5 - Fellout.esp Active


Error Fixes V1.5 - Mothership Zeta Crew.esp Active


Error Fixes V1.5 - Fallout3 Wanderers Edition.esp Active


Bashed Patch, 0.esp Active




Unrecognised Plugins





Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.




VATSPerkWorkaround.esm Active


GhoulRadio.esp Active


RobotRadio.esp Active


Loki_HistoricSpeeches_v1.esp Active


The Traveler Project.esp Active


PipBoy_Hacking_Instant.esp Active


PipBoy_Hacking_Overseer.esp Active




Execution Complete





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But i have an eerie feeling i may have done something wrong, i quickly looked through the pip-boy and found i could configure weather in 2 places.


Pip-boy / Items / Aid / F enchanced weather settings

Pip-boy / Items / Apparel / E project reality mk1

Enhanced Weather and Project Reality are both weather/atmosphere changing mods. As a rule of thumb one should never have more then 1 weather mod active, since they both change the same things.

You should remove one of them.

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Yup f enchanced weather has been removed, aswell as slower leveling since i found out it was included in fwe.



But have an annoying issue with audio, spent 2 hours fixing the radio stutter and now it fails when i talk to someone.

The volume on radio is set to 0 and no voices at all during conversations :(




After som bugsearching i found that the radio/voice issue when talking to someone starts when these mods are active, way to late to make any further bugsearching but if any of these mods are known to cause problems with audio i would appreciate a heads up.



megaton expansion project v03



project genesis


alton il

dc interiors combo edition

dc interiors sidequests




agatha radio enchanced

enclave radio enchanced

gnr enchanced

radio tenpenny






Edited by fghjhgfdfgh
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Well, I honestly wouldn't know if any of those mods can cause issues, but your prime suspects should be mods that add and/or modify radio stations. Disable them one at a time to find out which of those mods might be the culprit.
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