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How to make bystanders affected by the situation, that Burke killed Lucas Simms...?


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Damn, another "How to..."


If the player kills Simms, whole Megaton tries to annihilate him, but when Burke do it right in front of the eyes of innocent bystanders, they do nothing. They do not flee, they do not fight...how can i change this? I played with the faction system for hours, but the only thing that happened was, that, as soon as Simms entered the Saloon, he kills Burke...he and everyone else...no dialogue at all. That´s not immersive at all and i would love to see this issue fixed. To be precise, i want to see a big shootout in the sallon, as soon as Burke points his weapon on Simms...shouldn´t be that hard to do, but i don´t know how. Any help with this?

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Without looking in the GECK, I assume the Simms/Burke encounter is a scripted event in the Power of the Atom quest. Maybe find the event and add a faction change for Burke through a result script, after the dialogue. Don't know enough about factions to know if it would work though.

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