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fires not burning properly


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i have been using the mod "improved fires and flames" for a long time. but only recently i noticed (but im sure it didnt appear this way before) some fires like the fires in bows etc. are not really burning properly, they are just like an image, or some change once every sec, or every slowly, so its not a really smooth burning.


then again its weird because sometimes when i walk closer to the fire or turn around it, it starts / stops the burning animation again. i have checked, and my version of improved fires and flames is still up to date.


please, has anyone ideas about this? if u need more info let me know.



i forgot, i just recently started using this fake-windowscreen-thing so it was more easy to tab in and out of the game. might this be a reason?

Edited by GladMax
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Another thing to consider is the 'A-Bomb' stuck animation problem with save games that have lots of hours. I use Animation Fixer periodically, whenever I notice the flames on the Legion patrol or courier riders get 'funny' looking.
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Another thing to consider is the 'A-Bomb' stuck animation problem with save games that have lots of hours. I use Animation Fixer periodically, whenever I notice the flames on the Legion patrol or courier riders get 'funny' looking.


i have tried both versions, but i always have the same problem when loading the "fixed" savegame, that the game freezes after 1 - 2 sec. (but i was able to see the fire that was not properly animated before, was properly animated again, before the complete game was frozen). am i missing something? is this a bug? like i said with both versions the same result :/

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What type of save are you running through OAF (I.e. quicksave, autosave, manual save or named save)? Though I don't need to do it myself, I've also seen reports of needing to change the name of the corresponding OBSE save to match the renamed OAF save. So if you ran the named save MySave01.ess through OAF you would rename the file MySave01.obse to OAF_MySave01.obse to match the fixed OAF file OAF_MySave01.ess (or whatever it is that OAF changes the name of the fixed file to ... not at my gaming computer to check).
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What type of save are you running through OAF (I.e. quicksave, autosave, manual save or named save)? Though I don't need to do it myself, I've also seen reports of needing to change the name of the corresponding OBSE save to match the renamed OAF save. So if you ran the named save MySave01.ess through OAF you would rename the file MySave01.obse to OAF_MySave01.obse to match the fixed OAF file OAF_MySave01.ess (or whatever it is that OAF changes the name of the fixed file to ... not at my gaming computer to check).


i used proper savegames only (.ess). but i will try now any type of savegame, maybe it helps. i will report back

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ok i have tried many times but it didnt work out. now i the game didnt only freeze i had permanently appcrash. i think its a problem with enhanced music control (i had this problem before, but it was solved by disabled very codec that is possible to be disabled). now that i disabeld ehanced music control.esm (blade of the haunted.esp was a child and yes i had the compatibility version) the game is working again, plus the correct animations, i dont konw if OAF helped on this or not. just too bad about not being able to use esm yet again ...... thx for the help though u guys.
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now with the permanent appcrash ... i post this only because it might help others: i continued using an older savegame (10 minutes of gameplay before the last save) and now everything seems to work fine (EXCEPT for the stuck animations). conclusion: sometimes its simply the savegame that seems to be corrupted ... (will post if i find further results.) Edited by GladMax
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final solution: i just found out that wrye bash is also able to "fix" the abomb. tried it on my savegame - and guess what, it works like a charm. where OAF failed ...
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I believe WB gives a percent rating on your 'progress' towards the A-Bomb as well (were OAF just gives you the byte values). Glad you got it sorted and thanks for the report back.
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