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Thieve's Guild - Gallius's Journal - storyline bust?


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This has always bugged me, but it's such an obvious disconnect I think I simply might not have caught something on my 2 playthroughs of the TG storyline.


After Enthir translates Gallius's journal with the etching the PC makes of Calcemo's Falmer-language translations, I don't recall Enthir ever actually writing down the translation. He just reads the journal alongside the etching, tells the PC and Karliah what the journal says, and gives it back to the PC.


So then the PC and Karliah go back to the TG, give Gallius's journal to Brynjolf, and somehow he's able to skim through it no problem. I read one internetz review that said you actually give Brynjolf a translated copy of the journal but, yeah, I don't recall that happening. The PC doesn't get a copy of the journal back from Enthir, but the original journal itself. Did Enthir write the translation into the margins when I wasn't looking or something? (Lightning-quick writing ability if so :tongue:)

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He is one of the OTHER Dragonborn that "may be" around but has not answered the summons (as the Greybeards said). He actually used the slow time dragon shout and wrote it while you were in the warp :biggrin:
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Yes, it's a mistake. There are actually two versions of the journal that exist (an encoded one and a translated one), but the quest doesn't properly switch them. It also leaves Gallus's journal in your inventory as a quest object even after the quest is complete...though I think the unofficial patch fixes this.
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