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How to fix Fortify magic school + magicka regen enchanting?

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I don't normally play as a mage but was trying it for something different.


I wanted to enchant my own robes rather than using found/bought novice robes of destruction etc.


That's when I noticed that the enchantment learned by destroying one of these items doesn't work properly.


Here's what I mean...



The robes you find/buy are as follows...


novice: fortify magic school 12%, regen 50%

apprentice: fortify magic school 15%, regen 75%



master: fortify magic school 22%, regen 150%


When you enchant robes with the learned enchantment, the fortify magic school element increases in strength with your enchanting skill but the magicka regen part stays put at a fixed 12%, which makes the enchantment little better than a fixed 'fortify magic school' type of enchantment. Basically it's a waste of time disenchanting such items because the bonus is negligible and gets less valuable the better your enchanting skill!


so two examples with different enchanting skill levels and perks could be...


1. Fortify destruction 8%, fortify magicka regen 10%, at the time you could make a fortify magicka regen enchant of around 20%, twice as good.

2. Fortify destruction 22%, fortify magicka regen 10%, at the time you could make the regen enchant around 90%, 9x better.


I wanted to correct this but what I tried failed. Here's what I did, using illusion as an example and applying the same process to the other schools.


1. Made a duplicate of EnchRobesFortifyIllusionConstantSelf

2. altered the duplicate form effect archetype from peak value modifier to dual value modifier

3. Made the 1st effect Illusion Mod and the second effect MagickaRateMult. As a test I gave the second effect multiplier a value of 2.

4. Edited EnchRobesIllusionBase and deleted the two effects that were listed in it.

5. Added my new EnchRobesFortifyIllusionConstantSelf to the above with a test magnitude of 5.


When I tested it in game it gave the proper fortify illusion effect but no magicka regen effect at all.


What did I do wrong and how do you do this properly?


Does anyone know, please?

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I've never had any luck with getting multiple enchantments to work, where they all scale with your skill. I have a mod with 4 enchantments per piece, and I nearly pulled my hair out, trying to make it work. What I ended up doing was lowering the enchantments to meet whatever % I wanted, when all 4 pieces were worn, and locked them so they'd only enchant at that uniform rate.

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thanks for the reply thumbincubation.


I'd say Bethesda had an issue with this, too, or else this would have been right in the first place.


Maybe its a job for the brains on the USLEEP team, since its definitely a fault with the vanilla game.


I'll keep tinkering and see if I can get any joy.

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If this is a reproducible bug, why not just submit it to USSEP? Rather than try to fix it yourself. I haven't verified this myself, too busy fiddling and tweaking mods, but, Ill check it out when I get a chance.

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