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hey guy,


so i have down loaded everything for the CBBE and more... i think, I am new to the hole modding thing and would like some help.

so far i can get into the game, but the issue is that one i get my binding off and try to take off my armor to see if the mods are working my game crashes, and closes. i do not know how to add the hole list of mods i have so if you can tell me how i would gladly link it. like i had said i am new to the modding community so please do be assholes about helping a noob

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Sounds to me like you chose the physics option but aren't using the XPMSSE skeleton or haven't ran FNIS. Try reinstalling the skeleton if you already have it, make sure nothing overwrites it. Get FNIS if you don't have it



Check out Gamer Poets and Gopher on you tube for a plethora of info, always r.t.f.m., always keep is simple when troubleshooting by stripping your load down to the basics and suspected mods, Add 1-2 mods then test.

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If you start just modding, you need start slowly, and chose one by one your mods.


Like said in previous post, there plenty of great guides and tuto out and on You-Tube, but also on Nexus. Of course, you will see big modlists, and lot of choice.

Look at the vanilla game, then ask you what you would like changed, what you would like added, like some armours, weapons.


Again, start at beginning by checking your pc specs, some mods and modlist can be heavy, so make sure your machine can handle it. Update and windows and drivers, then a very important step, Clean the masterfiles ! This is a must if you want run a stable game, ever more if you want mod it.


Some mods require SKSE, some don't. So again a choice, But let's face it, SKSE adds lot fun and make it possible to run big and amazing mods.

Chose a modmanager after your preferences.

But all these infos you will get in nice guides, tutos. Skyrim has a big community, so there is lot content.


Take your time, test, and test again, and most important, have fun ! :cool:

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