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What is the correct papyrus fragment to set the stage of a quest from


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For one of the quests I am creating in my mod Rochebere I want it to start directly as the other quest finishes.


So I have Quest01, and the stage in which the quest is completed is stage 30. The quest finishes normally, but I want to make the next one start as soon as the first one finishes.


To do this, in the Quest Stages tab I went to the papyrus fragments, and added a new property (which is Quest02). I then typed the following Papyrus fragment into the box.




I have compiled the fragment and received no errors or warnings, so I assumed the fragment is correct.


I have also set Quest02 as the "Next Quest" from Quest 01, and made sure stage 10 as the start up stage on Quest02.


However, in-game Quest01 comes up with the Completed Text but Quest02 doesn't start after that.


Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Thanks in advance!

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If you don't have an objective attached to the stage 10 of quest2, it won't show up, even if it's running.


The "quest started" message shows only when you first receive an objective.


I have already set up the first two objectives of the quest. I think the most logical thing I can do is fully complete all of the objectives in Quest02 then try again.

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Have you tested it out by ~ getstage Quest02? What I'm wondering is if you are expecting to see an objective pop up and are assuming the script didn't work.


Yes, the console is stating that the quest is on stage 10, but I can't figure out why the quest won't actually start up and display in my quest log etc.

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What MrMino said = you need to put that in your papyrus fragment under "stage 10" of your quest02 - and you can also add it in the dialogue if for some reason it is not displaying correctly. I have had cases where it wouldn't display so I would have to put it in two areas. At least as a short term solution. I'm sure there has to be a logical reason for why it doesn't work sometimes, but I haven't discovered it yet, and I've chalked it up as a bug.
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