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The most damaging shot your character has ever taken

Lord Garon

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My unarmored mage is at lvl 40 with 270 health and just took a 257 damage shot from a bandit archer. I need to crank her health up some more as I imagine it will only get worse as she levels. Question is, "How much more?" If my characters die, I start new ones. This really wasn't such a problem with shields/armor, but I'm gonna HATE to take a 1-shot with her now.


Ignoring dragon bites and giants, what's the biggest single shot your character has ever taken? I need to know their level and what difficulty setting you were playing on. I don't really want to break out the old calculator, just get an idea of how high the damage will scale later on. TIA.

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ignoring dragon BITES and giants, it would have to be alduin's dragonfire. MY character at the time had 300 health exactly, and when he hit you with a full barrage of fire, it took three grand healings before the fire stopped doing damage over time afterwards, and even then I only had about 70 health left, meaning it did around 1200 damage. I can't remember if I was on normal or hard difficulty, and I'll have to check the level, (ill add the level as a footnote later.) But it didn't do 1200 damage at once, it was split up so that you could block it with a greater ward without a problem.
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Just recently, when my char with like 420 health and 600+ armour (yay fortified smithing) was decapitated when she was suddenly swarmed by a gang of half dozen or so dual-wielding forsworn. (With IHUD, I don't have access to the red enemy dots so it was like "what the hell?!... chop") Really caught me by surprise, as my char is so defensively OP'd she RARELY dies anymore. Alas, I was just hitting my restore health potion hotkey when the "off with her head!" killcam kicked in. :ohdear: Only other time I can even remember her dying in recent memory is from a dragon bite when she foolishly went in for a melee finishing move and underestimated how much health the big lizard had left. (I have the super mighty version of Mighty Dragons) But I guess from the "no dragon bite" qualifier in the OP that doesn't count.


Man, props to anyone who plays at high levels as an unarmoured mage :thumbsup:

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I'm just trying to avoid a 1-shot from a single mistake or unseen archer. Took a power hit from a Briarheart last night with one level of Mage Armor and Ironflesh on; 280 health down to a tiny sliver of red. Would have died without the protection spell. Not sure how much health will be 1-shot safe, but its way more than I have now. I hope this character isn't broken, but she's a little squishy after hitting level 40. Oh well, hit 41 last night; only 40 more to go. :thumbsup:

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I just want to say congrats to anyone who plays a "hardcore" unarmored mage. I've been playing a mage and I can't even count the number of times I've died. I up the npcs damage/health/armor with deadly dragons and play on expert. At level 37 with ebonyflesh I still only survive an arrow hit half of the time (probably less than half of the time actually). I think my health is around 230-250. I've gotten very good at dodging arrows and power attacks, as long as they don't hit me I'm ok.


I think you're going to have a hard time keeping yourself completely 1-shot safe. Though you're close to vanilla's leveling max. Isn't it level 50 when enemies stop scaling and reach their max? It may be possible, I'd probably be fine if I didn't raise the enemies' damage with mods. But I like it this way.

Edited by thompsonar
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I can't count the number of times I've re-started this game, so I had a huge advantage in knowing what to expect in many situations. But now I'm in new quest "territory" with this character and that's the reason I was looking for damage info; I've lost that advantage. I finished the last parts of the Thieves Guild quest for the first time last night; an epic trudge through hordes of high level draugr and Falmer. It was almost work. One thing I find is that I actually use Shouts with these mages. Shouts seemed pretty lame with my warrior/stealth characters, but they are pretty good for defense if nothing else.


Archers are the bane of my existence. Dragons, giants, even Dragon Priests don't bother me. But if I see see a bow or hear an arrow whiz by, I'm on the "S" key instantly looking for somewhere to hide. Really frustrating to be more afraid of a bandit with a bow than an elder dragon.


I think we might make it, though. After the Mercer Frey experience, I've got the "1 step sneak forward and long-range snipe, 2 steps running backwards in a panic while spamming atronachs and drinking potions" strategy working okay. It also helps to give Lydia a high powered staff. :biggrin:


Thanks for the input.

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