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Dragon encounter frequency bug?


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I'm playing skyrim SE. For some reason, I encounter random dragon in the wild every trip. Only in the wild, never happen in the city. In my current playthrough, most of the time I walk, or ride a horse. Rarely use fast travel or carrige.I change the timescale to 10, witch should make dragon encounter very rare. But it didn't. Now almost every time I came out from the dungeon or any other interior. Or ride to a far destination, I will onehundred percent encounter a dragon, just one dragon, no more. Sometimes I can see a dragon very far, flying around a mountain, but sometimes they will suddenly apear above me just like teleport, no warning sign no far-away dragon shout. I pretty sure this is a bug since I didn't install any dragon mod and I tried the SSE mod "less dragon 2018" and nothing change. If anybody knows a mod that can really help reduce the dragon encounter chance, I will be grateful.


By the way, not only dragon encounter is a bug, some other encounter is strange too. For example, not very often, but I already encounter dark brotherhood assassin for mo re than 8 times, all with the same note. I also encounter two redguard asking a women something for more than 10 times now. These encounter is normal I know, but I'm pretty sure skyrim has much more random encounter I never encountered before. Why these same random event happened again and again, and nothing new happen anymoreï¼It's like an infinite loop with these three random encounters.


Please help me if anybody know what's wrong with my game. The only mod I install that can affect NPC is immersive citizen. No random encounters mod install.

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