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Q about some female NPC's man-like stance


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Have you tried the mod that I linked


I'm about to - I honestly didn't see it, and I'm hesitant to try something that'll change every npc...but yeah, "toting pumpkins" just doesn't look right in a belted tunic or dress. :)






Well, it worked as advertised, meaning she doesn't walk like a gunfighter anymore but still has plain dude animations. I'm undecided but glad there is an option. Thanks.

Edited by plunket
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Update - here's the stuff I have tried. No fix so far.


Creation Kit

Skyrim NPC Editor - no longer CTD, but doesn't fix the problem

Housecarls More Feminine Stance

Feminine Stance Housecarl_TavernCloths

Lydia Marriage Fixed and More

Housecarls and Followers Can Wear Zazz (2B and 5B)

Migals Housecarl Beauties 1.01

Fixed Followers Lite

Female Follower Fix (2 versions)


The mod kevkiev suggested does affect her stance but makes all NPCs have the regular (not heavy armor) male stance - so it's all or nothing. Odd. Seems like there has to be a solution.






After giving Skyrim NPC Editor and CK more tries, the best I could do was create a clone of Lydia that used the regular female stance. But somewhere in the process of trying to get her AI/factions right I noticed what they call the Grey Head bug. Thought I had it fixed but no, and it spread somehow like a pox to every female NPC in the game. I tried switching up the plugin load order, turning things off to troubleshoot, using older saves, the CTRL + F4 thing in CK, deleting unused files, no matter. Grey Heads even on saves from before I had hardly any mods, with everything turned off!!! Did a total reinstall and might not use any mods at all now. Look what just a dozen or so did to my game! All because she couldn't just put her *&^%# arms down...


The feeling I'm getting is that if there is something that corrects this (and does nothing else!) and if it is installed before meeting any housecarls, it might work. But is there any such mod?






The Good News: Skyrim NPC Editor works.

The Bad News: You have to uninstall/reinstall Skyrim, then create the npc and load that mod BEFORE you retrun to Dragonsreach (after slaying Mirmulnir).

Edited by plunket
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  • 2 months later...

Update - here's the stuff I have tried. No fix so far.


Creation Kit

Skyrim NPC Editor - no longer CTD, but doesn't fix the problem

Housecarls More Feminine Stance

Feminine Stance Housecarl_TavernCloths

Lydia Marriage Fixed and More

Housecarls and Followers Can Wear Zazz (2B and 5B)

Migals Housecarl Beauties 1.01

Fixed Followers Lite

Female Follower Fix (2 versions)


The mod kevkiev suggested does affect her stance but makes all NPCs have the regular (not heavy armor) male stance - so it's all or nothing. Odd. Seems like there has to be a solution.






After giving Skyrim NPC Editor and CK more tries, the best I could do was create a clone of Lydia that used the regular female stance. But somewhere in the process of trying to get her AI/factions right I noticed what they call the Grey Head bug. Thought I had it fixed but no, and it spread somehow like a pox to every female NPC in the game. I tried switching up the plugin load order, turning things off to troubleshoot, using older saves, the CTRL + F4 thing in CK, deleting unused files, no matter. Grey Heads even on saves from before I had hardly any mods, with everything turned off!!! Did a total reinstall and might not use any mods at all now. Look what just a dozen or so did to my game! All because she couldn't just put her *&^%# arms down...


The feeling I'm getting is that if there is something that corrects this (and does nothing else!) and if it is installed before meeting any housecarls, it might work. But is there any such mod?






The Good News: Skyrim NPC Editor works.

The Bad News: You have to uninstall/reinstall Skyrim, then create the npc and load that mod BEFORE you retrun to Dragonsreach (after slaying Mirmulnir).




I'm reviving this thread just to tell you, Plunket, that you are a legend. I spent the last week trying to figure out how the crap to force female animations on Lydia, and I tried mod-for-mod every single one of the ones you tried!! I was about ready to start punching puppies because SO many other forums/threads seem to indicate that the CK/NPC Editor should fix things right up. :wallbash:


To anyone else having the Lydia (and possibly other vanilla followers) butch walk issue: Plunket is right. You MUST HAVE any companion-animation mods (i.e. U.F.O., rolling your own .esp through CK/NPC Edit, Migal's Housecarls) installed prior to meeting that companion. I just confirmed ANY of these mods WILL IN FACT UNBUTCH LYDIA, PROVIDED THAT YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE MODS INSTALLED PRIOR TO MEETING LYDIA. This is true of both vanilla and Dawnguard (tested both scenarios)


I verified this by 1) uninstalling/reinstalling Skyrim; 2) Installing Dawnguard (FYI, skse too); 3) follow Ultimate Follower Overhaul install instructions; 4) loaded a save I had just before fighting Mirmulnir, rocked his world, went to Dragonsreach to be rewarded w/ Lydia + weapon; 5) Installed my usual suite of animation mods (Run, Walk, Idle, etc.), and sure enough, unbutched Lydia!


Thanks again Plunket. I hope you're still around to see this thread!

Edited by byunnbi
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^ to give a shorter version of the above excellent post by byunnbi and others ... There IS a check box in the CK (and also the NPC Editor) for NPC's called 'opposite gender anims" that you CAN use on Lydia Mjoll and any other NPC's however it ONLY works on "NEW" versions of these characters (i.e. you haven't met/encountered them in game yet)


IT WILL NOT WORK on existing NPC's, because the game stores all of their information (inventory/factions/moods/outfits/ face washed/unwashed hands dirty/clean <ok, maybe not those last two>) Including, for reasons only the Nine knows, there animations in your savegame! And so always loads the info from that and basically ignores any changes you make. Why Bugthesda? WHY!!!


Note the editor id for Lydia and some other NPC's is Housecarl<name of town> Make sure to be on the "Traits" tab



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  • 8 months later...

What the flip! I had her walking like a lady at one point months ago. I started a new game and cannot figure out what I used for this. Is there a way to make the game think you haven't met her yet (via console or something) and then save it and reload that save after using NPC Editor?? I know this is an old post but there isn't any posts out there that really explain things.

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There is a file on another site that fixes this for most female characters. You will have to google it. Boss loads it high in the load order but it should be loaded near the bottom. It works for all DLC's.


One caveat, you have to install it before you meet Lydia, preferably start a new game.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone who is still suffering the tyranny of the butch Lydia. I have come with the solution. I have a very heavily modded and well played character on skyrim and I was able to find an alternative to beginning a new game to get Lydia to put down those damn arms. I did this using NPC editor, and I did so with amazing follower tweaks installed throughout the whole process.


Be forewarned though, any mod that changes the original Lydia (by referencing her ref ID) will not convert over to the new Lydia. Things that change her appearance can switch over if you changed Lydia's appearance BEFORE you attempt my fix. In order to do so, you must change her, then load her character into NPC editor. It should work after that, if it doesn't, I'm not a modder, I am just a lowly troubleshooter.


Anyway, to fix Lydia:


1. First things first, you're going to want to make a new save before you do this in case something goes wrong.


2. I killed the original Lydia before making the new one. Not sure if you have to or not though. My best guess would be that it would be fine to leave her be, although you won't be using her because you can't change the one already in your save's code. If you do kill her I would save again just so you don't have to kill her every time you load the previous save.


3. Now, exit skyrim and load lydia into the npc editor. From here you're going to want to go to appearance, general and change "stance" to female by clicking on it once. You also need to go to the "factions" tab and delete the entry called "current follower faction". Make sure you have "potential follower faction" as an option, as well as "potential marriage faction" (if you want to marry her later), and make sure the rank numbers next to all entries are zero.

3.5. If you want to change anything about her stats, hair, hair color, mood, confidence, voice, etc. this is when you do so.


4. Save the new npc by checking "Save as New NPC" then clicking "create mod." Here it will ask you to place the npc in world. Place her wherever you want, it doesn't matter since we are going to call her to your location in game anyway. It will also ask you to name the esp file, I named mine "LydiaNEW," and save it in skyrim's data folder. Wait for NPC editor to tell you to make sure to place all files before loading the game, hit ok, and exit.


5. Make sure you activate your new esp pluggin, and load Skyrim.


6. Load your save and open the console. Type "help Lydia" and you should get two NPC ref ID numbers. Your new Lydia is the one that isn't 000A2C8E (might be 000A2C94). Anyway, it's the number that isn't either of those. Now, type "player.placeatme <new lydia's ref id>" without the <>.


7. Exit the new console and your new Lydia should be standing there waiting for you with gloriously straight arms at her sides!!!


From here you simply need to talk with her and you can say "Follow me I need your help." This will get you back your follower! Also, if you want to give your new Lydia all the old Lydia's stuff, you can just take it off of the old Lydia's corpse and give it to the new one.


Lastly, if you have amazing follower tweaks, you should still have tweak options after you ask her to follow you! I am not sure how the other follower overhauls work with this fix, but try it out and let people know!

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