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What the hell is wrong! 6 CTDs, 4 Freezes, one "Skyrim has sto


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What the hell is wrong! 6 CTDs, 4 Freezes, one "Skyrim has stopped working".


Fking annoying! I'm trying to do the damn special quest for Solitude, but I've had ELEVEN ERRORS fking it up when I try to get the ********<- Why the heck was that censored? didn't say anything bad at all just didn't remember the name. "Balmora" blue whatever. My game either *****"Craps" itself as I'm diving for the chest (At least 25ft away from the chest, often before I even touch the water) picking the lock on the chest. Taking the item from the chest. Swimming towards the next destination, or getting out of the water.


Damn I really hate Skyrim at these times.


I have nothing at all. No mods. No nothing that changes or does anything to the area.


Strike for profanity - no strike for not making any sense. :rolleyes:


Do you want help? Then ask for help - be specific - do you want to rant? We have a place for that.


Please proofread before posting to see if that was what you really wanted to say.



^- Silly edit. Obviously I'm opening up conversation on how insane Skyrim's stability is. Its the worst. Oblivion ran better on my ancient computer then Skyrim does on this brand new one intended for gaming.

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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You're not the only one. I'm about to just quit playing the game, which is sad since I really love it. But, with the constant CTDs, freezes and mission/NPC dialog gliches of late (all due to the current officially released update), I'm just getting tired of it. I haven't played the game for a week or so now and decided to give it go since I updated some mods I like. Even restarted the whole game since the crucial mission of discovering Alduin resurrecting the dragon above Kynesgrove ("A Blade In The Dark" mission) is screwed up (Alduin does not show up, so the dragon doesn't rise from the mound). As I'm making my way down to Riverwood with Hadvar, the game freakin' freezes before I can even get to the first Standing Stones. Before the most recent official update, the game was working nearly perfect with occasional CTDs due to mod conflicts, though those were easily figured out and fixed. Now, it's just a nightmare with all the problems. BSG, fix this crap or lose players, including myself. I'm tired of it.
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Honestly, I don't know what it is with my game, but even with mods, crashes and freezes are rare. I'm surprised this is still an issue, actually.


Edit: ... this wasn't a double post a few minutes ago, was it? If it was, I'm sorry.



Some people's computers function better then others. There are a lot of variables, even two of the same computers will find they get different problems.

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we surely seem to be in a current round of unstable installs across many platforms, and while this has been fairly typical at any given time since release, many people are surprised by this current sudden lack of stability. It seems to be a lot of stuttering, hanging on transitions, and CTD's. These are all symptoms of issues which many of us thought were already worked out for the most part.


My best remedy lately has been to rebuild both .ini files using Do Not Argue's CFG generator, keeping everything nice and low and easy, then tweaking up.


This has helped, but, like many others lately, I'm still getting the kind of performance that I used to get before many of the old core issues were fixed in previous patches.


sadly, there's too many variables these days to pin down one answer for everyone, or even one answer for most everyone. What with people running 50+ mods, multiple patches, driver issues, hardware issues, and everything else...it's getting harder to ensure all these variables play nice with each other.


This isn't really all that helpful, other than to confirm that the stuttering/lag/crash issues are as bad as they ever were. Personally, I'm waitin' for the next patch or couple of patches before I really put in any more time on Skyrim.

Edited by Sabat9
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