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Help me mod my game :^)


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Hey all,


I found a mod here that requires a manual download and I always let the manager take care of it for me. The mod instructions are as follows:


Unpack the archive and place files to your Data folder with rewrite, activate Thaeril.esp in the launcher, enjoy the mod


To me this is just fancy tech talk. I've tried placing the files in all places related to Skyrim and SKSE but uh, no luck. If someone could give me a dumb downed explanation I would appreciate the help.



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you will need to open the ZIP or RAR file then copy all the files inside there to




then make sure Thaeril.esp is enabled in what ever mod manager you are using

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you placed some of the folders in the wrong location




make sure you have archive invalidation activated in your mod manager - in NMM it's under the wrench / screwdriver up top




Edited by gromulos
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