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Medicine Stick iron sights misaligned


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so i have this problem with this gun, but with brush gun, this machine, trail carabine and propably couple others like hunting rifle (didnt test it a lot). It bothers me greatly since I love using my lever action rifles, but its really damn hard with this problem. Any fix to this folks?
Also, in video discription you can find my mod load order.


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First read the 'Issue - Aiming -" entries under the 'Solutions to Graphics problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. This is so you can bring your expectations more in line with the game design. (In the video you are standing while shooting. This is intended to be the least accurate form for shooting. And your STR and Guns Skill have a huge impact as well. If you want accuracy, "crouch" or use a mod such as "Prone Mode" by senterpat.)

Then check out the "Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod (WMIM)" by RoyBatterian.



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WMIM is "meshes". WRP is "textures". Haven't dug into the details, but am guessing both have the other component included in their package because the mesh NIF has to point to the texture DDS file. The 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' still applies.


See the wiki article "How to fix hard-coded texture paths in NIF files" for the procedure to locate the texture file entry within NifSkope. (The path needs to be "relative" instead of "absolute"/"hard-coded" in order to be found on various installation locations, which is what that article covers.) But in short form the procedure is:
* Open the NIF file in NifSkope.
* Click on the part you want the texture for; it will highlight it in the Block list.
* Expand it and highlight BSShaderPPLightingProperty. Expand that.
* Highlight BSShaderTextureSet.
* In Block Details you will see textures (DDS files). Expand it.
* There you will see the paths to the textures used by that mesh.

The result would be a "compatibility patch".



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WRP has modified meshes that are required for his textures to display properly, so it's incompatible with any other mods that adjust weapon meshes. (Notably most "Nifskope Weapon" mods.)


The Rifle 1st Person Accuracy Fix is an alternative solution, though obviously not as comprehensive.


Edited by Radioactivelad
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