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Achievements are Lame.

David Brasher

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Some people like to collect points and do extra tasks, that's all it is. And it makes the game feel more complete for some people to finish all the tasks.


I'm not sure why people are actually against achievements when they don't do anything than can hurt the game.

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achievements are not a steam thing

blame the xbox for them if you have to blame someone.


they allow kiddies to show that they are better at single player games than their "friends" and make them feel that they are getting value for money from their online subscription

Edited by mighty zog
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Yeah I never knew about the in game pop-ups either. Now I see why, the first thing I did when I installed the game was go through all of steams settings and turn off anything I could and put it in offline mode. I'd never used steam before but I have this thing about being in complete control of my computer and whenever I install any kind of software I always check the settings, disable updates, delete extra shortcuts, remove extra crap it installed, keep it from loading at start-up, and stuff like that. I like to keep my system tidy.


The achievements are pretty dumb though so I just ignore them, problem solved. Some people like them I'm sure. Somewhere out there on the internet I read a list of unofficial Skyrim achievements, that had some pretty funny stuff in it if I recall correctly.

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Yeah I never knew about the in game pop-ups either. Now I see why, the first thing I did when I installed the game was go through all of steams settings and turn off anything I could and put it in offline mode. I'd never used steam before but I have this thing about being in complete control of my computer and whenever I install any kind of software I always check the settings, disable updates, delete extra shortcuts, remove extra crap it installed, keep it from loading at start-up, and stuff like that. I like to keep my system tidy.


The achievements are pretty dumb though so I just ignore them, problem solved. Some people like them I'm sure. Somewhere out there on the internet I read a list of unofficial Skyrim achievements, that had some pretty funny stuff in it if I recall correctly.


You just described... me. :biggrin: I'm a confirmed control freak when it comes to my computer and always have been. It's harder to manage since the DOS days. 3rd party software everywhere and even apps you need or even some you buy try to install junk. (Skyrim comes to mind :tongue: ) Grinds my gears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

never bothered me, I actualy have the ability to ignore things that don't really affect my game

Teach me teach me teach me teach me :ohdear: !


I like the older take on achievements, where you could open your character tab and see what rank you are in each guild, complete with picture.

And Fable had a nice one where it would measure the farthest distance you've kicked a chicken.



yes i miss oblivons factiion rank picks. it was nice and easy :P but ignoring them is easy i never think of them unles one pops out when i get it and i get all: what did i doo now? and run to check why i got that atchivment

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I suspect this may be my last Elder Scrolls games. I've been playing since Daggerfall, and I'm really dismayed by the direction it's taken since Morrowind. I spent $3500 on a computer for the explicit purpose of being able to play games. Having my game experience nerfed so that someone with a $200 console can have the same experience I scrimped and saved and sacrificed to get is both ludicrous and unfair. This sudden love affair with Steam has totally put me off of Elder Scrolls, and with the dumbing down of the game mechanics it made me wait six months before picking up Skyrim where I used to one of those first-in-line types. If the next installment of the Elder Scrolls continues in the direction I fear it will, I think Skyrim will be my last. Bethesda better hope that the fickle tastes of console cretins don't change, because they've successfully alienated the very people who were their strongest supporters through their arrogance and ungratefulness. There's another company which operated with a business model built on alienating their customers while relying on being the only game in town; M$ just posted the first quarterly loss in its history. Take heed, Bethesda.
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Why complain about achievements? It's something you either enjoy or ignore. Bethesda obviously didnt spend any valuable time on this, since the achievements are quite retarded. Probably just added it for they who would complain if there wasnt any at all (Yes there are many of these people out there too).


Personally I dont care about it. Doesnt matter if it's there or not. But as long as it pleases other people and not bothering me, I'd say I still support it. A stupid thing to complain about imo.



The topic about Elder Scrolls being dumbed down with each new sequel is a whole other discussion though and doesnt have anything to do with achievements.

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Does the achievement thing even work?


For the heck of it I checked my achievements today and apparently I have 4/50 (first time I noticed them a few weeks ago, I didn't bother to check which ones I had). When I looked at the ones I hadn't rec'd, I should have all 50. For example, I'm level 81 and I don't have the "Complete Bleak Falls Barrow" achievement.


I don't play offline, and haven't actually changed any steam settings since I started playing. (Well, except toggling "don't update dammit" on and off in a futile attempt to remain unpatched.)


- from the "oh noes, my life is now in shambles" dept. :tongue:

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Achievements are dumb unless they actually do something in the game, like a permanent stat buff (NV did this sometimes).


In any case, Skyrim has them because both Microsoft and Sony will refuse to certify a console game if it doesn't have cheevos / trophies.


@ above post:


Messing with the console has a chance to randomly disable achievements forever on specific saves. Different commands seem more or less likely to cause it. TGM is basically guaranteed IIRC.

Edited by Zinthros
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My point of view FWIW is that achievements are semi-worthwhile in the Fallout games but completely inappropriate in the Elder Scrolls series. If you can open a page which tells you which rank you are in each guild, that is enough.


I pray to the RNG that there will be no so-called "achievements" in "The Elder Scrolls Online" - that would be an utter distraction, a complete immersion-breaker.

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