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troll rep down on everything they see


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im starting to get more and more irritated on people,,today among other days i had to rep up peoples post bc someone gone berserk on the rep down button on the simpliest this like, i like this its cool ->someone rep down, "i need help" --> someone rep down->, dosnt matter what people write someone just rep down everything they see, and this pisses me off greatly for such missbehavior of the rep function on comments in files section.



THIS BETTER STOP! :verymad: or just disable that function, people are alowed to write what they need and like, normal people if they see something they dont like, they just move forward to look on another file.


this happend on several files of mine, and its fulltime job for me to rep up peoples comments , im sick and bored on this people with "i have to rep down bc i have a bad day or somting else"

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I've noticed this strange phenomenon too.

A succession of comments in one of my mods was repped down for seemingly no reason, regardless of what the comment said.


To be fair, why do we even need a rep system? I know when a comment sucked, I don't need a little red indicator to tell me that others thought it sucked aswell.

Just disable it I say.

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