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Need help with ATTT


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Hello. Figure I'd ask this here before giving up, been trying to get a specific mod to work for a week now, but I'm unable to do so. On top of that it's something nobody else seems to be having much of an issue with.
The mod is Armed to the Teeth, I left a comment on it some days back. I've tried to follow the directions the author left but I guess I'm missing something?
It needs NVSE and JIP - I have 5.14 and 54.80, respectively. Should be most recent. It requires the Weapon Retexture Project, which in turn requires the Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod.
I'm also using MCM and all vanilla DLC.
Other than that, I've even tried backing up any other mods elsewhere and restoring to vanilla, but after doing so and re-installing just the above in the correct order, it's still not working right.

I clean install and open my console/get the holster. I set my hotkeys and then equip it. It shows my sidearm in addition to a single rifle (something's happening) on my back but not dual rifle/shotgun. Am I
supposed to set it up manually? I'm using the vanilla Varmint Rifle/Single shotgun which I was under the impression the author had already made the armor script for, and came with the mod.

When I press the reset key it then shows in the console it's pulling up the sidearm/melee weapon along with a single weapon either the left or right rifle. Pressing the 1 or 3 hotkey either
takes off the current gun or replaces it with the other (Rifle/Shotgun) in vanilla fashion. It's pulling from a file called MMP under Data > Meshes but I'm wondering if that's right??
I posted a picture on my profile.

The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Weapon Retexture Project.esp

Any help is appreciated.

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