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Equivalent to Skyrim


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For me, Skyrim is the most satisfying PC game currently available. That's mostly because I've modded mine to the point where, since I'm an old guy with a pretty hardcore and realistic view, I've created a game that's mature and realistic enough to be acceptable. In addition, Skyrim is a very large, open world game which permits a great deal of roaming and exploration without being tied down to a central story...for the most part. My biggest complaint about Skyrim, when it comes to role play, is that it's really difficult to be an evil player and still complete the central story line. Further, it's unsatisfying to run as a racial type that isn't programmed into the game. For me, that's because the game dialogue isn't programmed to recognize any race other than the vanilla types, therefore there's limited interaction between the player character and the vanilla NPCs. There is a mod that develops player reputation and the effect that has on vanilla npcs and their relationship with the player. That shows some promise. Time will tell. The game also needs much more in the way of npc voices. Running five Orc followers is fine...except for the fact that, if they're all women, they use the same voice.


Is there any other game which is anywhere close to the same characteristics and possibilities as Skyrim? I've already tried all the Witcher games, and, while they've got much better story lines, they aren't as flexible when it comes to roaming about, etc. I've also tried Dragon Age Origins and the follow on games for that series. I've also got Fallout 4, but so far it doesn't have the appeal of Skyrim. I've also got Rift, but haven't played it much beyond the openers. I've also got TES Online but it's just a bit immature for me...at least at the opening stages. I've not gone beyond that in that game.


Anyone have any suggestions?


As a footnote, if anyone knows how to use Vortex to install Requiem and the Reqtificator that's necessary to run Requiem, I'd appreciate having the knowledge.

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Elder scrolls online, is almost the same.

Oblivion, of course.


The enemy scaling leveling system is what allows you to go anywhere unfortunately it comes with many drawbacks in my opinion, but to each his own. As all the Elder scrolls games, it is definitely open world game, although enemy level scaling, breaks the point of PC level progression IMO.


You might want to try Borderlands, Arcania, Divinity dragon knight saga, fable 2, fable 3

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Hmm that is a hard one. The new Tomb Raider games are pretty good but honestly the story is linear and it seems you are looking for exploration. It is rather old but Kingdom's of Amalur was a pretty good game and I recall being able to do some exploring and make some pretty evil decisions. Perhaps give it a peek and see what you think? Risen, Risen 2 and Risen 3 were alright. I wouldn't compare them to Skyrim really but they may pique your interest. I am doing my best just scrolling through my games for suggestions. It's hard to find something on par with what you want. The vanishing of Ethan Carter is a very short but beautiful game (with some twists) where if you do not explore correctly you may miss some things. This is the best I have to recommend. Hope you find something :smile:

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Dark souls has the potency to be someting like skyrim, but i haven't play it long. Game is realy developed for for console with a controller, even the PC version likes it if you have a controller but i can't play with it. the game is able to play wit a keyboard, but good luck with it.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance looks also somewhat interesting to me, I don't know it is an open world or very linear, but looks interesting.

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For running around in an open world the only modern game I like is Assassin's Creed Odyssey.


I have bought Assassin's Creed games in the past but did not like them. This one is more like a Witcher 3 clone.


The only real downside is that it is not easy to run. If you don't have a modern gaming computer it is best to give it a pass.

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