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NPCs not wearing armor/clothing assigned by CK


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I'm having a problem making certain NPCs wear specific outfits in the game. For example, I want all the Companions to wear the Wolf armor. I open the CK, make the changes, save before exiting and start game. The all keep their Skyrim default outfits on. Aela still wears Ancient Draugr armor, not the Wolf armor. I go up to her...hit resurrect and still she appears in the Ancient Draugr armor. This only seems to happen with trainers and followers for some reason. If I change a random farmer or shopkeeper, the outfits change to match the CK outfits. Also, when I change the NPCs weight in the CK, it doesn't change in game either. I have to go up to them manually and change their weight with console commands. I even have the mod making these changes load last...still nothing. I don't seem to remember this happening a few months ago...maybe it has something to do with the latest update?


I know it's some kind of bug...just wondering if there's a fix or workaround for it.

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