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Help doing first retexture? (no experience with modding)


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Hello, I need help starting out on npc retextures, please?

I have found a mod I really like, which retextures Leliana's outfit. It looks really nice, except I want to change the colour, for personal use only.

The author of the mod is retired from DA:I modding, so I don't want to bother them with recolour requests.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction, because right now I'm utterly lost. I use DAI mod manager to install mods, not Frosty, so I'd like my

retexture to work with that, though I do have the dlc, so it would also be good to know how I would go about making it compatible with the dlc, or what

exactly it is that causes problems with things not showing in DLC...?

P.s literally just got the game and learned how to mod it less than a week ago, so please... Assume I'm an idiot in most areas. Explain, provide pictures, etc. Thankyou (:

***I do know how to use photoshop though, so i don't need help with that part***

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The easiest way to do this would be:

  • Download the retex you want to edit
  • Open DAI Mod Manager and use File > Open to open the daimod of the retex
  • Find Leliana's armor in the file tree (I don't know where it is off the top of my head, sorry) and open the diffuse file for it (the one with "_d" at the end)
  • Export the texture as a .dds file
  • Open the .dds file in Photoshop or another program that can edit them, and change the colors to whatever you like
  • Re-save the file under a new name
  • Re-open DAI Mod Manager and re-open the daimod if you've closed it
  • Import the edited texture over the existing texture
  • Save the file as a new mod
  • Load your new mod into the game and test.

If you need more details on exactly how all this works, let me know here or message me, and I'd be glad to explain it in greater detail when I have time.


As for making it work in the DLCs... I'm sorry to tell you, if the original mod won't work in the DLCs, then your changes probably won't either. Some mods work in the DLCs and some don't and I don't believe we've figured out why, or how to fix it, at least not with DAI Tools.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a bit late, but thank you both! I just made my first retexture and tested in game and it works. :D


I had problems because one of the programs it says you need to be able to import and export textures, slimDX, the site to download that program was down.


*But* I managed to download slimDx.dll from a different site, here.


I want to list my other problems I had in case any other people looking to learn to retexture things for DAI stumble on this forum.. So...


Here goes.


I could export the vanilla textures, but I couldn't export the textures of the mod I had opened via file > open, and then selecting the .daimod, I'd just get errors instead and I found out it was bc I was using the latest version of the mod maker, version 19, and, that version doesn't like textures. So I downloaded version 17 of the mod maker from this page (scroll down), and, it *still* wouldn't export or import textures, but...


Next I went into the same folder where the mod maker version 17's .exe or executable file was located, and in that folder was SlimDx.dll, which came with mod maker version 17. But this .dll file didn't seem to work for me, so instead, I replaced it with the new slimdx.dll file I got from here, started up the mod maker, opened the mod I wanted the textures from and then exported the textures and it worked just fine! No errors, and when I went to open the textures I exported, it no longer said "file couldn't open because of a disk error", or whatever, it worked fine.


So yeah, that's all the problems I had and how I solved them, if anybody else has these problems and needs to know how to fix them. Fyi the slimdx.dll file has to go where I said it has to go, in the same folder as your mod maker.exe, or in my experience anyway because the importing and exporting wouldn't work when I had the .dll file elsewhere.

Edited by Dmitrias
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