TinySlim Posted January 12, 2019 Share Posted January 12, 2019 (edited) Does anyone know what mod the "Bounty Hunt" quest is from? Here's a screenshot with the quest text:https://imgur.com/a/YRXJV7j======Edit====== I'm asking because the quest is broken. I've returned to the Jarl's steward to collect the bounty, but don't have a dialogue option to complete the quest. Now I'm stuck with the quest in my list and this generic Mercenary following me, not wanting to even have a polite conversation :sad:Here is my mod list (most add armor or followers): # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espBSAssets.esmBSHeartland.esmBS_DLC_patch.espClimatesOfTamriel.esmFalskaar.esmSneak Tools.espWyrmstooth.espTravellersOfSkyrim.esmSkyUI_SE.espVerdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.espSimplyBiggerTreesSE.espSMIM-SE-Merged-All.espEnhancedLightsandFX.espLore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.espLore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.espELFX - Exteriors.espBook Covers Skyrim.espLore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.espReverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.espImmersive Sounds - Compendium.espTouringCarriages.espCutting Room Floor.espJoy of Perspective.espELFX - Weathers.espBetterQuestObjectives.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espdD-Reduced Splatter Size.espdD-Reduced Wound Size.espWarmongerArmory_DLC.espWarmongerArmory_Vanilla.espWarmongerArmory_LeveledList.espaMidianBorn_ContentAddon.espSummermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.espRLO - Interiors.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Darker.espWARZONES - SSE - Civil Unrest.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.espSoundsofSkyrimComplete.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espHelgen Reborn.espPopulated Skyrim Legendary.espRLO - Exteriors.espSkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.espMaster of Disguise - Special Edition.espImmersive Music.espmrbs-uniqueloot-se.espImmersive Weapons.espUnique Uniques.espZIA_Complete Pack_V4.espPopulate Jorrvaskr.espImmersive Encounters.espLore Weapon Expansion.espRun For Your Lives.espWarmongerArmory_SSE.espCloaks.espInigo.espMortal Enemies.espPrvtI_HeavyArmory.espMystic Condenser.espImmersive Patrols II.espBosmerArmorMATY743.espImmersive Followers.espTools of Kagrenac.espAetheriumSwordsnArmor.espAlbionSwords.espamberarmor.espaMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.espAndromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.espPopulated Skyrim Civil War.espCivil War Ambushes.espWheelsOfLull.espForgottenCity.espDiverseWerewolvesCollection.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espRitual Armor of Boethiah.espKhajiiteverywhere.espWardsFunctionalitiesExtended.esprestoration_spell resurrect.espArcherCuirassUltimate.espArk_Battlemage.espArk_RogueBladeArmor.esphelmetwithcirclet.espArmour_of_Yngol.espArs Metallica.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espBetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.espBetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.espBlack Mage Armor SE.espBloodWitchArmor.espBosmerElderShadowArmor.espCivil War Uniform.espClericArmoursCredo.espClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.espCloaks - Dawnguard.espCloaks - USSEP Patch.espNB-FurHoods.espWetandCold.espCraftableSkaalforFrostfall.espDCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.espDiamondSmithingComplete.espDifferently Ebony.espDIVERSE SKYRIM.espDiverseDragonsCollectionSE.espMystic Condenser - USSEP Patch.espRAO - ELFX Patch.espDr_Bandolier.espDragonBoneEbonsteel.espDragonCarvedArmorSet.espDreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.espDual Wield Parrying_SKSE.espDynamicDungeonLoot.espEbony Mage Armor.espFollowers_StealthKills.espFootprints.espGIST soul trap.espGlass Variants.espHarderLockPicking.espHeart Breaker SE.espHereticArmorPub.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espIcePenguinWorldMap.espiHUD.espImmersive Movement.espImmersive Movement - Wildcat Patch.espImmersive Movement - Mortal Enemies Patch.espImmersiveUpgradeLeveledItems.espimp_helm_legend.espMagicArmorVisuals.espNB-Scars.espNoBSAIProjectileDodge.espNoldorArmor.espnordicrangerarmor.espPrvtIRoyalArmory.espRealistic-Voice.espRichMerchantsSkyrim_x2.espRoelenFollowerPackI.espS3DRocks.espShadow Ranger Gear by Natterforme.espSIC - ICH Patch.espSimple AUA.espSkysan_Icicle.espSkysan_Stalhrim.espSneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.espSneak Tools Vanilla Masks.espSoS_CoT_Patch.espTalosHousecarl.espTGBC.espTravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.espTribunal Robes for SSE.espUnreadBooksGlow.espUrsine Armour - Non HDT.espVioLens SE.espVolcanic Crimson Glass Set.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.espPerfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.espSleeved Guards.espJoP - Immersive Armors Patch.espFNIS.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation.espColdharbourDaedra.espPaladinArtifactsAndArmor.espRavengate.espicebladeofthemonarch.espknightfollower.espmoonpath.espMy Home Is Your Home.espgiftsofakatosh.espIMAGINATOR SSE - Visual Control for Skyrim.espKotN Mage.espMedusa and Drakul Armors.espContractor Armor.espEvil MasterMind Armor.espMavari Armor.espStrangeRunes.espColdharbourDaedraAtronachForge.espRSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.espRSChildren.espProwlerArmor.espskyforgedWeapons.espSeeEnchs.espJop - BrumaPatch.espTissHeadTrack.espClimatesOfTamriel-Falskaar.espClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-L2.espFireBurns.espRLO - Effects.espRLO - Illuminated Spells.espRLO - VIS Patch.espDDLUniqueLootPatch.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espOrdinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.espApocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.espApocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.espSacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.espImmersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.espCollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.espRDO - iAFT Patch.espImmersive Horses.espCWIELnFXSEPatch.espImmersive Citizens - TC patch.espRealistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.espRDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.espRDO - USSEP Patch.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul - Immersive Horses Patch.espCWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.espWildcat - Combat of Skyrim.espWildcat - Realistic Damage Plugin.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espBetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.espRAO - Alternate Start Patch.espOpen Cities Skyrim.espImmersive Citizens - OCS patch.espELFX - Hardcore.espSoS_ELFX+Hardcore+Weathers_Patch.espImmersive Citizens - ELFXHardcore patch.espRealisticWaterTwo.espRealisticWaterTwo - Open Cities.espRealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.espScarcity SE - Less Loot Mod.espScarcity SE - 2x Loot Rarity.espScarcity SE - 2x Merchant Item Rarity.espBashed Patch, 0.esp Edited January 12, 2019 by TinySlim Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheVampireDante Posted January 12, 2019 Share Posted January 12, 2019 That sounds like a vanilla quest, not a mod one - but saying that, the text does makes me think of this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29448/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted January 12, 2019 Share Posted January 12, 2019 Posting your mod list might help as I can think of a couple other mods that may do something similar as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinySlim Posted January 12, 2019 Author Share Posted January 12, 2019 That sounds like a vanilla quest, not a mod one - but saying that, the text does makes me think of this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29448/ It looks cool, but I've never had it. Posting your mod list might help as I can think of a couple other mods that may do something similar as well. Updated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted January 12, 2019 Share Posted January 12, 2019 The mods that I was thinking of (Notice Board and Missives) are not in your list. But looking at your mods, Immersive World Encounters (Immersive Encounters.esp) seems like a likely candidate. Not certain as I have never used it, but it may be worth asking them if that quest is one of theirs and proceed from there accordingly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorsha Posted January 12, 2019 Share Posted January 12, 2019 Try " sqt " in console. It returns the running quests. There are versions like "dlc02mq1" which stand for the dawnguard main quest, but is also gives a number like 02xxxxxx. now if you see a strange starting number for example 34xxxxxx then you can look to your plugins. The plugin with starting number 34 is the one with the quest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinySlim Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 The mods that I was thinking of (Notice Board and Missives) are not in your list. But looking at your mods, Immersive World Encounters (Immersive Encounters.esp) seems like a likely candidate. Not certain as I have never used it, but it may be worth asking them if that quest is one of theirs and proceed from there accordingly. Alrighty! Just made a post. Try " sqt " in console. It returns the running quests. There are versions like "dlc02mq1" which stand for the dawnguard main quest, but is also gives a number like 02xxxxxx. now if you see a strange starting number for example 34xxxxxx then you can look to your plugins. The plugin with starting number 34 is the one with the quest. ...I have like 30 active quests :pinch: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinySlim Posted January 21, 2019 Author Share Posted January 21, 2019 Case closed! It was Immersive World Encounters - apparently it needed to be updated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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