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CTD in Combat


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Hello! Let me start by saying it has been a solid 6 or 7 months since I played Skyrim last, and I'm wondering if it's worth just reinstalling with a clean slate. I went through and updated all mods that NMM flagged as out-of-date, Bashed/Bossed (At least I think I Bashed it correctly, I don't really know. Been too long), etc... The game starts up fine, but after a few moments in combat I randomly CTD.


Here's the BOSS Log file:




Copyright 2009-2012 BOSS Development Team

License: GNU General Public License v3.0


v2.0.1 (6 April 2012)




General Messages




* Note: Latest BOSS thread: "http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1395580-relz-boss-for-skyrim/"









Your masterlist is already at the latest revision (r4794; Jul 16, 2012). No update necessary.

Recognised plugins:


Warning messages:


Unrecognised plugins:


Error messages:


Ghosted plugins:


Total number of messages:


Total number of plugins:




Plugins sorted by user rules are counted as recognised plugins.



Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins





SKSE Version:


gibbed_interface_extensions.dll Version:


SKSE_Elys_MemInfo.dll Version:






Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins





Skyrim.esm Active


Update.esm Active


basement.esm Active


dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active


Tytanis.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



Dragonbone Weapons.esp Active


Dragonbone Weapons - Faster Arrows.esp Active


Dragonbone Weapons - Tytanis Compatibility.esp Active


WeaponsOf3E.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Relev}}



DeadlyDragons.esp Active

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



DragonsDiversified.esp Active


DeadlyDiversifiedDragonsPatch.esp Active


basement.esp Active


Reweighed Potions - All Light.esp Active


Killable Children.esp Active


Killable Children - Quest Important Protected.esp Active


MidasSkyrim.esp Active


DeadlySpellImpacts.esp Active


DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp Active


IPutASpellOnYou.esp Active


Balanced_Alteraton.esp Active


Balanced_Conjuration.esp Active


Balanced_Destruction.esp Active


Balanced_Illusion.esp Active


Balanced_Restoration.esp Active


Balanced_Magic_Master.esp Active

* Note: Choose only one of the below - optional if you prefer vanilla settings or other mods which adjust these values.



Balanced_Magic_Novice.esp Active

* Note: Choose only one of the below - optional if you prefer vanilla settings or other mods which adjust these values.



Balanced_Magic_Adept.esp Active

* Note: Choose only one of the below - optional if you prefer vanilla settings or other mods which adjust these values.



WATER.esp Active


WATER - Get Wet.esp Active


PlayerHomeMapMarkers.esp Active


Bashed Patch, 0.esp




Unrecognised Plugins





Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.


0.1.6.esp Active




Execution Complete






Anyway, I have no problems completely starting over. My only issue is that I'm afraid by doing so, I will lose my current save data and have to start over. (Clocked over a hundred hours between Release and Dec/Jan when I put the game down). Also, I have no idea what 0.1.6.esp was supposed to be. >___>;;


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Several options as I see it:


Wipe the slate clean with no troubleshooting. Easiest, and least likely to induce headaches, frustration, and make you hate the game after several failed attempts at finding the culprit.


Take all your mods off, do a clean save, put them all back on, and see if that does anything.


Go back to a save where you know your save game file wasn't borked.


Fault find with mods that involve combat. In my experience, fault finding in Skyrim with mods is so very, very frustrating that you end up hating the game and playing something that doesn't crash.


Good luck!


If your save game is borked, there is precious little you can do. I had this first had from Bethesda went mine went pear shaped, and they just say ' we recommend starting a new game'

Edited by Michaeljcox24
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