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Replaced Models not Working


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I just recently replaced some of the character models for my game. I went to test them, but the game was still using the default nifs and textures. For some reason the game won't load the new nifs and neither will the construction set. I've replaced other textures and nifs and everything works fine; it just seems to be the character files that don't work. How do I fix this?

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So i actually managed to replace the nif by opening the old nif in NifSkope and deleteing all existing branches and pasting the branches from the new nif into the old file. The mesh works but the textures don't. I'm still not sure how to fix that so any ideas would still be greatly appreciated. :)

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The vanilla game is really limited on what can be achieved as there is literally one male body and one female body for all NPCs. Sure Khajiits and Argonians get a tail tacked on but if your game used a particular male body (say Bodybuilder) then every male in the game will be Bodybuilder (and the same deal for HGEC or Roberts Female and female NPCs).


The solution to this is Blockhead.


Using Blockhead individual races can be given different body types (so Nord males could be Bodybuilder while Bretons are Average and Khajiit are Scrawny) and on top of that individual NPCs can be assigned other body types (so some Nords could be Muscular, others Average and even some Scrawny while the default Nord is still Bodybuilder).


That only scratches the surface of what Blockhead can do ... read Blockhead_readme.rtf for the full story and feel free to ask if anything isn't clear.

Edited by Striker879
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I haven't gotten to that part yet unfortunately. I can't even replace the general body mesh (at least not by simply replacing the file in the charaters folder)... In order to replace the mesh I had to open the nif in NifSkope, delete all of the branches and paste all of the new branches into it, then save. Currently the mesh is working but it seems to be using the vanilla textures even though I replaced the textures in nifskope and the CS.

Edited by SeScreener
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The vanilla game allows body textures on a race level but not at an individual NPC level ... Blockhead does.


I suggest you get a base install of male and female bodies installed that you are happy with on an overall basis (I use HGEC E from EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion and Average from RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 myself) and then we'll work through using Blockhead to override on a PerRace and PerNPC basis.

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