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Replaced Models not Working


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Maybe DrakeTheDragon will pop in to lend a hand ... he's the expert on texture problems.


I know that body textures are more complicated than normal mesh texturing, as there is keywords that come into play as well as the whole race records thing (so that one female body mesh can be used by every female NPC in the game, regardless of race, and still display the correct skin texture).

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So not sure how this made a difference but I went back insto GIMP and re-exported my textures the same way I did before and they seem to be working.... Not sure if I missed a step or something, but at least it's working.

I'll have to dive into it a little bit more to see what I did wrong.

Edited by SeScreener
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Wait a sec... You're saying opening and saving replacement files makes them suddenly work in game, while previously they did not?

The only thing changed by doing that is the "last modified" attribute of the file... well, apart from some rather unwanted potential mess ups in quality, especially when importing a compressed DDS and exporting it again compressed, effectively doubling the loss by compression.


But now suddenly those multiple reports of people for some obscure and unreproducible reason not getting replacements to work, unless incorporating them directly into editing the existing files themselves manually, finally make a faint bit of sense in hindsight.


All you guys are doing is making the last modified date of the replacement files a slight bit newer than the last modified date of the BSAs they are to replace... and that's the "bingo!" moment of realization. Your BSA archives, whether coming from Steam or from GOG or from whatever else have you, are as always dated far too recently than for any replacements ever to have a chance to work.


This all never made any sense to me all this time before... but now we're all back at one of the first steps as the culprit, the missing re-dating of the BSA archives to something around the proper time (2006 I think was the release of the game). I don't know what else tools there are for doing it, the Steam Oblivion modding forums should be full of suggestions by now, but the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), and I think some other managers as well, definitely provide a means to do it automatically ("Reset BSA timestamps" the buttons is called in OBMM's "Archive Invalidation" dialog from the "Utilities" menu, and I think to recall it's named similarly in others).


Took me quite a time to finally come to that most obvious conclusion now. Always check BSA timestamps first, before applying any kind of Archive Invalidation and wondering why it just won't work still. A way too easy to miss step in my book.

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Drake where would we be without you!!


Why didn't I think of that one ... guess I've been away from Steam troubleshooting for too long.


- Edit - Here's the link I used to post all the time back in the day ... File Date Changer 1.61.

Edited by Striker879
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Can't say for certain, but the dates that are important to the game is the date on the BSAs vs loose files.


The game uses file date for load order too ... not relevant to the current discussion, but you could (notice I didn't say should) use File Date Changer to "load order sort" your ESPs.

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