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Need help compressing ~60gb of loose texture files into multiple BSAs.


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I've modded SSE to my heart's content and now I would like to package all of my loose files into BSAs. I mainly want to do this for the textures but I would also like to do the same with meshes, sounds, and scripts if possible. I'm having issues because the BSAs that I create via Archive.exe are well over the size limit for BSAs and my game just immediately CTDs at launch.


The archive tool for Fallout 4 had an option to split the .ba2 into multiple smaller files but I don't see a similar option in the SSE archive tool.


Thanks in advance for the help.




I was able to figure this out myself. For anyone who is curious, I packaged my loose textures into .ba2 files using Fallout 4's Archive2.exe. I put a 2gb cap on each ba2 file. I then extracted those textures from the ba2 file into their own individual folders. I then packaged those newly created individual texture folders into BSAs using Archive.exe from Skyrim's CK.


This probably isn't the most streamlined solution, but it's the one I came up with lol.


I can definitely say that my performance has noticeably improved and my micro-stutters have all but vanished as a result of packing 60gb worth of textures into 13 bsa files.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Interesting Info. Thanks.


I've only unpacked/re-packed one .bsa, but this could be valuable info.


Now I can't remember how I did it.. I think I used SSE's archive.exe..


60GB? jeez mang lol! My whole Skyrim SE dir is only 32GB..

Edited by c0ax599
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