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Best/Important Mods for F:NV


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Hi there,


Just got myself the Ultimate Edition from the Steam Sale which was cheaper for me than buying the DLCs for my Standard Xbox 360 version of the game.


Now I would really appreciate it, if anyone has some spare time to point me to the best or most important Mods that are available for New Vegas, not a huge list just the best of the basic Mods.


I already have Skyrim and I'm guessing the Mod-downloading and installing process should be similar if not the same?


That said, I'm mostly looking for something like the Skyrim 2K or the Realistic Lighting Mods or any kind of graphical overhauls for the game, or even maybe - if there are any - gameplay overhauls since I already played it to death the "normal" way on my 360.


Thanks for any answers, really appreciate it :)

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Most things work in the same way as they do for Skyrim, however an awful lot of them require manual installation, if you know how that all works then you'll be fine.


You'll want the 4GB exe http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35262

The 4GB compatible version of NVSE http://nvse.silverlock.org/beta/fnv4gb_nvse.zip

For looks there are texture packs like http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43135/ or http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39755

ELECTRO-CITY is good, adds lights to the wasteland http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37908

The IMAGINATOR adds various effects that you can adjust in game http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39619

For weather and lighting I use this http://www.marcurioscache.nl/mods.php?temp=fnvurwl but there are other options. (Version with rain) http://www.marcurioscache.nl/mods.php?temp=fnvrain

CASM for auto saving http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36730

FNV Enhanced Shaders http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34868


I'm sure people will come along and make other suggestions. Porting stuff from FO3 for personal use is easy too, so it's worth having a look over there.


NV doesn't like too many esps, the game can fall apart around the 120-130 mark, something to think about. It's also worth making regular back ups of your data folder, that's saved me on many occasions.

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Heya, thanks a lot, installed all of your suggested mods plus some more everything works pretty smoothly, just one quick rather unrelated question:


In many troubleshooting sections of the mod descriptions something called ArchiveValidationinvalidated (or similar) is mentioned. What is it exactly, afaik I haven't had any problems with it ever and all the mods I installed are showing up..


Thanks again! :)

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